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If the seller is forcing you to buy

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If the seller is forcing you to buy

It would seem, shopping, or, as it is fashionable now to say, shopping - it's one of the most powerful relaxant. How then can hurt our interests in such a good time? In fact, options may be too much. What should I do if the seller imposes on you buying ? Consider the most popular options:

1.Vam impose unnecessary or too expensive purchase. In this case, the seller can praise your figure and vigorously argue that the pink blouse with fluff, fur, lace and sequins add your style and effectiveness, and that this must be every fashionista's wardrobe. Do not succumb to flattery! The task of the seller - sell. At any price. If you throw your money on unnecessary things, you will suffer and your interests and your wallet. So for all persuasions of the seller, try to smile, nod and say something like: "Absolutely agree. Pink with rhinestones - hit of the season. But actually, I'm looking for regular jeans. "

2.Vam trying vtyuhat "bonus". Suppose you had to buy a lotion for the face, or shaving cream. But the seller suddenly begins to assure you that this lotion / cream is ineffective without the additional moisturizing balm / spray / gel of the same company, etc. Again, no need to panic over the counter and sweep all funds from this company (especially if the house you already have a moisturizer other firms). Most lines are designed so that the funds of one company are perfectly combined with funds from another. If the seller insists, the answer: "I buy only what I advise my cosmetologist / dermatologist, etc. or "Thanks, but my budget is only for the purchase of one medium." Do not hesitate. Only one sentence to help you save money and do not let yourself be "diluted."
3.You have come to buy the simplest cell phone (to call - and right), and consultant entices you to purchase the more expensive model. Do not believe it when you say that cheap phones are less reliable. On the contrary: the less bloat, less often breaks down technique and the less problems with it. You can get off phrases like "thanks, but I only buy the phone at a time, until my repair" or "thanks, but I do not know and do not want to know what the GPRS WAP and how to use the camera. I use any phone that make and receive calls. "
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