If you do not want to spoil a date - do not worry!
Positive attitude - one of the most important points on which the success had started your business. Before the first date is not worried just desperate, especially if it is a long-awaited, with vending candidate. However, to panic - it means to harm themselves and negate all the efforts you have previously attempted to attract liked young man. Pains to keep himself from any negative state or ask for help you with that friend. Remember, it is best to help cope with panic or blues their diagnosis. If you do not want to spoil a date - do not worry!
Can consciously resist the excitement or just distracting myself every time some exercise. You can think of itself and perform various exercises to combat landwash panic, confusion and doubt. Effectively combat it consciously. Try to understand that the excitement never anything good does not only unsettle, leading eventually to the fact that everything you planned to happen "exactly, but on the contrary."
If you just tune in to the sad outcome of your interview, then it most likely it would happen - you already know in advance, it will all end, and therefore will behave in line with your thoughts. You've probably heard about the theory of the materialization of thought - that we plan and how it represents our future, then what happens in reality. On top of that thought is not only materialized but also passed a neighbor, companion, and all your experiences, doubts begin to affect the young man, that definitely will affect your relationship. Is this you wanted? But the young man himself, probably a lot of worries.

No need to worry and fear - because you've already made one important thing - the interest you're interested in a man who invited him to visit. Now it's your problem - not to lose his interest in you, stay the same as always. It happens that a man hard to conceal his agitation, and there are those whose experience does not outwardly visible. But do not think that people are born "bezemotsionalnymi. This is most likely many years of training. In any case, be aware that over time, and you can get control of himself and subdue his emotions will need only a little effort.
Feel free to their feelings - worry before the first date is quite natural, and do not hesitate to admit it. Maybe, confessing their feelings, you will become easier to communicate with the chosen one? And as externally affect your emotion? You begin to withdraw into himself, looks with suspicion on others? What do you think of this woman more attractive? Is even worse when the girl all the meeting looking at the floor, without lifting his head, does not show any initiative, and pulls or drops items. Whatever you may be pretty and smart girl in this state, you are unlikely to whom you can enjoy it.
Hence drop all doubt, do not dramatize the events, learn to adjust to positive mood. Do not be afraid of those mistakes that you've drawn in your mind. Going on a date, scroll to the thoughts of various stories of your visits, but they should all be a happy ending. Think about what you want more: depend on the situation from the case and the will of others or themselves to be the creator of his good fortune?
Do not punish yourself for your past mistakes if they were, and try their best to avoid. Remember that a smile and a positive attitude will help you "smooth out the corners" in any situation and defuse the situation, if necessary. If you come on a date, do not spoil it, do not let the bad feelings come into your life. Start date with a smile, and be sure that the joyful and happy girl is much more pleasant to see next to each other than gloomy beech. Remember - to communicate with a positive-minded person - a pleasure. And let a smile be your habit when meeting with people! As you notice signs of a negative attitude, strongly fight this at the outset of their appearance, do not run this mechanism, or stop it then you are unlikely to succeed. Do not give in! Not to scare away good luck!
Do not put off dating for a long time
Do not delay more than two times the first meeting, do not carry it without good reason, otherwise the first date did not take place. Naturally, before a date each wave, especially if it occurs in humans for the first time, especially if you elect to whom you go, enjoy. However, your behavior can be misinterpreted second party, because you can not know for sure that in the mind of the person, the more you have little or unfamiliar with it or you do nothing about it is not known.
There are people who, before they dare anything, you must be a "later": courage, all carefully consider, weigh all the pros and cons, all to provide. For them, better late than ever, and the transfer of a meeting they were not very angry, but only gives a better opportunity to prepare. These people quietly survive, and two, and three respite, if only liked the girl did not say "no," definitely. However, just such people - the most vulnerable and touchy, and your delay in meeting the morbidly moved them, leaving a trace in the soul. Transfers meetings 2 or 3 times more often regarded by people as a polite refusal, and too likely that they will no longer make attempts to invite you. If you add the fact that your vote can also be unforeseen circumstances, then you risk the possibility that your date will remain in the plans.
People are different temperament, by contrast, do not like and do not suffer all sorts of mysteries do not want to live in anticipation of, and want to quickly learn and understand - Is this the man whom they expected to see, and yet the meeting was a mistake. If such a person to refuse, even once, of interest to you may be very alive, and you will need to find the cause of the transfer date more serious than just employment. Know that such people are extremely ambitious and delay without good cause will not forgive not once, but you can still be described as a man who "neither fish nor fowl, and forever lose interest in you. So people wait for painful and unbearable and they would rather move to a more accommodating, though less pretty pretender. Even if such a person wait to meet you, then this meeting will no longer be at the peak of joyful expectation, and on its decline, and this date will not be so exciting for him. Therefore, the intrigues, but does not extinguish any interest to you. Your verification of candidate strength in this case could cost the loss of the person who, you may have developed to the relationship. Do not tempt fate!
Still would like to isolate the inexperienced girls from amateur long correspondences and conversations without end. These people meet over the phone or the Internet, take you to talk for hours, talking about himself, always interested in you and sometimes trusting their secrets. Minus only one - they never dare to meet you. These people are handy to have a virtual buddy, and they as good as a real meeting, they are not ready and will be in every way to avoid them: the constant excuses, postponement of meetings, tons, etc.
It is better to leave at once such a candidate. These people do not want to change anything or fear, but whether you want them to not wait.
The most appropriate solution in any situation will not delay and not to hurry with the answer, and if the person you are even a little enjoyable, appoint a time and get acquainted. In addition, it happens that from the first date is impossible to understand, your a half or not. Your task at this stage is to entice the right person and did not manage to scare him or repel his desire ahead of time. Leave the game of cat and mouse, raising your bidder patience and so on until a later period, and now it is better let him know that you care about it that you do not avoid, and ... to meet. Well, if you're in something that is not fully prepared for the meeting, then consider this: if this is necessary and do not miss you more because of not the point.