Immunity to evil
There are certain forms of conduct to which a particular person is unable (or virtually unable). For example, most people in ordinary circumstances of life are unable to kill, not only human but also animal. Others are able to do so without difficulty. Someone can not hit a woman or do any person on the face. At the same time a general, unable to hit a woman on the face, may be able to kill the woman if it is enough simply to give the order. I knew a woman who was absolutely incorruptible, met people who did not swear, do not drink alcohol, or could not do a daily hour-long jog - in any season and weather conditions.
There are people who are organically incapable to assign someone else. I for example, has a habit of always hold the door in the subway and watch is not anyone behind. This habit is so natural that I was surprised when someone thanks me for it. I just did not realize that you can behave differently. I began to look closely and discovered that, indeed, not everyone holds the door, but only some. I do not know where this habit and why she appeared. I can not turn around and do not hold the door. The basic fact is that there are such things, against which a person has immunity, then there can not fulfill virtually any circumstances.
I have a strange property of nature that people sometimes enjoy. Enough someone say: "And I thought ..." I feel that I can not deny this man. Maybe, if it would go something terribly important, such as life and death, or more states or of treason, I will be able to steel himself. But at these words in me manifests a peculiar pity, so I'm willing to help a person than anything. I just fly limp. I definitely know where this strange habit, habit or not, I do not know how to call it.
I was about four years and I rode a tricycle. It was spring, because the smell of warm asphalt and grass. Nearby were a woman and I listened to their conversation. So, they told the terrible story of how her mother inadvertently killed her little boy. The last words were a child: "I was thinking ..." that is, he thought that he is punished for bad behavior. In fact, to blame the mother was what she finally confessed and child. When I heard this story, it was crying uncontrollably, and since then can not stand to hear those words. "And I thought you go to the store instead of me" - tell me and I'm going.

Human behavior can be changed once and for all different reasons. Think of "Les Miserables" by Victor Hugo. The offender stole silver candlesticks in the house of a priest who sheltered him for the night, that is, commit blatant ingratitude. The next morning, it caught and led to the priest, but he replied that he candle to this man gave. Thief released. Svyaschennik tells the thief that does not simply gives him podstvechniki and buys for the money of his soul. And indeed, after this case the thief is an honest man. That is, to this day he has immunity to evil . Here noticed by one real fact: the unexpected reward of good for evil is a powerful technique psychocorrection - but only if the good can not be interpreted as a sign of weakness.
Three levels of Lies
Gradually but permanently change their behavior spouses adjust oneself to one another for years of family life. Whatever happens, they will not be the same. Change their behavior and people infected with fanatoidom - a powerful idea, provoking intolerant behavior. The properties of such an idea will be discussed later. Most people are immune to lies, but not for anyone, but to lie a certain level. We distinguish three levels of lies:
a) The lie of the first level: lies unconscious in which the person is lying, but does not understand that he is lying. For example, because the child is lying, talking about what he has in the basin are found dolphins. So lies a good actor, fully entering into the role and feel, for example, Macbeth. So paranoid liar who claims that he was being chased by terrorists, and so on. We call this level: "a blind lie."
b) Lying in the second level: a person is lying, fully aware that he is lying and knows why he does it. For example, since the wife is lying, unfaithful to her husband, telling why delayed. So is lying mosheynik recommend that you buy a lottery ticket. We call this level: "the secret lies."
c) Lying third level: the person is lying and knows he is lying and knows that his interlocutor or listener also knows that he is lying. So is lying politician, saying before a crowd that NN traitor, even though all present (and he was the first) are perfectly znyayut that it is not (read "Animal Farm" and Orwell's 1984) We call this level: "abominable lie."
By doing this simple classification, we immediately see a very interesting phenomenon: people are clearly divided into those who are able to blind or lies, or mystery, or infamous. For example, a person who can only lie to the blind, unable to lie in response to a direct question such as: "Do you go to the doctor today?". Often, however, life demands of him lies a higher level. Just wonderful the way he vykruchivatsya of this situation. This is easiest seen in the children. Obedient child knows that he must brush their teeth before bedtime. Mother knows that child will never lie to a direct question. The child also does not want to brush your teeth. He goes to the bathroom, wet toothbrush, brings it to his mouth and lays back. Afterwards, he with a light heart responds to the question of mother:
"Clean". With the acquittal of the secret lies become blind, that is, lies at a lower level. A child who does not want to teach lessons, the book opens and closes again. Mother tells him: "Today you even did not open the book." Opened! "- He says and goes for a walk. The child is sent somewhere with an unpleasant order. It comes lightly pushes the door and - oh, joy!" - Like the door would not open. He has, for the sake samoopravdavniya, barely pushing it again and happily hurries home, and there declares: "I knocked, I have not opened, no one was home." Although it was enough to knock loudly.
Accordingly, there are three levels to cause harm: the blind, the secret, and abominable evil. And again we find people able to only one of them. General, giving the order to kill the woman, but unable to hit her, it is easy to commit a secret evil, but afraid to foul. Nonfictional case: During the uncomplicated surgery, the surgeon tried several times to use general anesthesia, but the patient did not fall asleep. Each time the surgeon was angry all the stronger. "You are to blame," - he said the patient and began to cut without anesthesia. "You are to blame," - so heinous evil becomes blind.
People would not satisfy all of these clever tricks with one's own behavior, if you would be able to all forms of evil or falsehood. This means that there are varieties of evil - is not necessarily horrible, disgusting, or too cruel - to which we have good immunity, we can not commit this evil even when we want. Therefore it is necessary to get out and look for detours. But it's great! This means that evil can be cured. And not only punished, as is widely considered now.