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Important areas of psychology

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Important areas of psychology

Nothing characterizes the psychology is better than diversity and inconsistency of the directions that she gave birth. Here are examples of the most prominent and easy-to guide that you can take note. Be careful, because you are risking to be the black sheep, if you show that you know everything. Psychologists do not need to know more than two. So pick the one you like and pretend that is deeply absorbed in his studies, fill the selected direction of useless facts and figures. So, the important areas of psychology .

Perception and attention

Perception - a form of sensory reflection of the world, partly dependent on non-logical processes - not double vision after a night's revelry, but from the media or "stimuli" that a person receives from the outside world. Perception also depends on the logical processes, which include their own ideas and expectations that affect the way a person sees the world (hear, feel, etc. - we have already tried this). Here it suffices to one name - Richard Gregory. This well-known psychologist, cognitive, under whose guidance issued Oxford "The Companions of the mind", that is a thousand pages, which became the bible of psychologists, although not as colorful as sacred version. We can assume that all cognitive psychology has been studying the logical processes. Read the following sentence, and you will see a widespread example of a logical process in action.

Paris after the after the rain

If you do not pay attention to two "after" you were under the influence of the logical process - expect to see a grammatically correct sentence. If you notice both "after", then you are either a psychologist, a reading book because not completely sure what the psychology (where you may not be alone), or not a psychologist, but you know what they Fibber so thoroughly study all the proposals. Not bad. Pretend professional means to predict the subjective actions of individuals. The first researchers of perception - the German Gestalt psychologists end of XIX century - have noted that our mind follows certain rules for the organization of what we see. For example, the image of the silhouettes of two heads, facing each other, can also be treated as a white vase on a black background. Optical illusions have been developed by psychologists, to show what tricks the human perception is able to do. Probably correct to say that psychologists juggle with the human mind by means of optical illusions. Brain, most likely, would have cost, and without them, and in this case was not mistaken would be taking two human heads in a vase.
1.Effekt blindness due to changes (or inattention)

This is a series of classical experiments showing that some psychologists do not always take their job seriously. Scientists at Harvard University have demonstrated a group of volunteers recording a basketball game and was asked to follow the path of the ball from player to player. During the match, a woman in a gorilla suit walked up to the camera and hit himself in the chest. Surprisingly, only half of the subjects noticed the gorilla. According to the authors of this and similar experiments, people perceive only a small part of what they see (usually figures in the foreground) while ignoring everything else. Although you can try to refute this theory, replacing the gorilla herd of giraffes in pink aprons.

2.Effekt cross-modal perception

Here, participants in the experiment can be made to (literally) feel things, using hearing and hear things using sight. One example - a lip-reading. If an actor utters a single sound (eg, "ta"), and articulates the other (eg, "yes"), people hear that sound, which they read on the lips. This effect is best observed in people with synaesthesia. A striking example is the writer Vladimir Nabokov, who argues that he sees and hears the sound of color. Sinestetikov fairly easy to find: they wear earplugs at the Chelsea Flower Show and sunglasses at concerts AC / DC.

3.Effekt addiction

This refers to a decrease in reaction force as a result of multiple repetitions. For example, drivers "get used" to high-speed driving on the freeway, so do not have time to put the brakes on the road. For them, a special horizontal markings before leaving the road. rivykanie used to create a sense of levity in an unsuspecting volunteer. In fact, levitation is impossible, but the experiment itself is very funny. Ask the participants to sit on the floor, blindfolded, and within five minutes, put pressure on their shoulders. The brain gets used to the pressure, so when you release your hands, it will react to the weakening of the pressure sense vospareniya the ceiling. Agree, this trick very well prove of great benefit psychology.

4.Neosoznavaemye Cognitive Processes

Psychologists have proved that the "unconscious" - not just patrimony of psychoanalysis. This concept is often mentioned in studies of perception and attention. A key figure in these studies supports John Barge of Yale University. He found that human behavior can be influenced by words, it shows only a fraction of a second. Such messages, subliminal, can cause people to thirst or hunger, to influence the choice of the product and its quantity. These carefully prepared studies have provided proof of the conjecture the 1970's that human behavior can be influenced by fast successive shots in the television show, movie or advertisement. Here is what may be the only plausible explanation for the popularity of movies
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