In a healthy body - healthy mind
In order to stay on our toes and be able to pursue their goals, it is important to learn through the body to manage their emotional state. Anyone who wants to do this you must use exercise to relieve mental napryazheniyai develop the skills of mental self-control through meditation. You can search for other suitable for you, methods of maintaining mental and physical health. A healthy body - healthy mind . What does this mean? Spirit in this case means the will to live, self-awareness. If the body is healthy - a man strong enough for the spiritual self.
However, this expression can be read in the opposite direction: for a healthy state of mind a person can achieve and physical health. In short, the psychology and physiology are in a relationship of interdependence. But how can we speak of a healthy body, if you came to the conclusion that health is not the absence of disease? Health - a state of stable equilibrium in all body systems, allowing a person to work productively, it is interesting to relax and grow as a person.
Of course, this definition does not cover all the features of human life, but for our purposes is acceptable. What circumstances could affect the health and provoke a painful way of behavior?
· Fatigue caused by physical exertion or great intelligence workloads.
· Severe or prolonged illness, both physical and spiritual.
· Condition of chronic (long-term) stress resulting from unresolved relationships or long-acting causes, such as: the hated work, driving on a bad car, stay in psychologically aggressive environment (fighting, the regular exercise of business, which is contrary to your moral principles).
As you can see, the factors contributing to ill health of the body, diverse, therefore, measures to enhance physical health must also be diverse.
Patience and a little effort
A few words for those whose dependence is associated with the disease. In order to get rid of any disease to be effective, and illness is not renewed, you need to be treated by doctors of allied professions (complex) and spend enough time and energy activities for the prevention of relapse in the first months after recovery. Why do I focus on this interesting? The fact that the cessation of one disease leads to a situation in which exacerbates the symptoms of all previously had shown disease. This is easiest seen in addiction. First, in the absence of the drug are starkly revealed all pain, hidden previously his actions (drug - anesthesia!).

Secondly, after you stop taking drugs, especially in the first month, patients arises a large number of psychosomatic symptoms as pain in different parts of the body. Often from patients who can be heard complaint: "Everything hurts, well, just everything, no healthy place for me there!" In other chronic diseases also arise such problems, because the body is intact and a change in one part of it leads to changes throughout the body. Psychosomatic symptoms of drug addicts can be eliminated in the process of psychotherapeutic work. They just need to survive as a necessary evil. But the exacerbation of chronic disorders such as liver disease, kidney disease, dental disease, etc., require a different approach. They still have to go to the doctor. Perhaps, the therapist will prescribe drugs to the patient, improves liver function, improves immunity. The program of medication is made individually.
Not afraid of bad news - start running in place
Exercise can solve several problems. First, they provide an opportunity to convert psychic energy into the physical. Second, special exercises help a person maintain balance psihoemotsinalnoe. In addition, thanks to the regular implementation of at least a small set of physical exercises, a person improves their appearance. When a man knows he looks good - it improves his self-esteem. How, then exercise can affect our emotional state? Easiest to explain by example. When I have an irritation, which is very often associated with anxiety, I usually start or sweep the floor or using a broom to clean the carpet. In this process I have put all their anger and anxiety. As we move cleaning it goes.
One of my patients said that when he appears anxiety or depression, he collects the fine clothes and begins to wash by hand, as if "fray anxiety." Patients are often asked to hang on to office "pear", boxing in which they could defuse aggression, anxiety, anger. This is similar to the experience of the Japanese, who in the rest rooms are placed mannequins heads in order to be able to beat the annoying you "boss" without fear of consequences, and emotionally drained. The fact that physical activity can capture the effects of stress, proving the fact that quite often the former dependent patients are a lot of exercise. Most likely, they unconsciously use physical activity to normalize their emotional state.
East - business thin
The second option of using physical exercise to maintain mental and emotional equilibrium - is the daily exercises, consisting of specially selected exercises. For this purpose suitable system of yoga exercises. In addition, there is a holistic system of movement, aimed at harmonizing the right and left hemispheres of the brain and the whole organism. Complexes such exercises can be found in various manuals. Those who are this way seems too complicated, could achieve the desired result, engaging in regular exercises, best martial arts gym.
Why did I stop your attention on the eastern healing systems? The fact that the goal of most such systems is to develop the ability to focus, yet it is the ability to focus on the core helps people solve their problems and be independent. But I want to emphasize: everything is good in moderation. After all, many children develop drug preceded by a period of active passion for sports, as well as Eastern philosophy. At that time, sport has played the role of the drug, designed to continually improve the levels of endorphins. But you can not ever drive a horse, lashing his whip at some point, he just falls. Former athletes, who can no longer engage in your favorite sport can begin to raise the level of endorphins to usual with drugs.
Everyone who has attempted to recover, it is known that failures often occur in moments of fatigue caused by physical or intellectual overload. It follows an immutable rule: recovering person can only recommend physical education classes, rather than sports, strictly following the fact that the load does not cause fatigue.