In parallel to our world there is another world, the so-called fourth dimension - the civilization of the horned, "a parasite on humanity.
The hierarchy that exists in impure, like ours, the Earth. Reading the Bible, you come across words like "devil", "Satan", "devil", "devil", "underworld", "hell". These concepts are eventually replaced by the expression - "devil". The most important of unclean - the devil.
Servants of the devil are recruiting people by entering into a treaty with them that this or that person sells his soul, that is, will follow directions the devil. The fee for this - career advancement, material possessions, etc. Still "chase" the demons in people, ie zombiruyut. In the future these people will serve the devil. And finally, you can napustit various diseases, make a person an alcoholic, drug addict or just eliminate him physically. And to prove it is almost impossible.