In some cases, it is not necessary to get acquainted with a young man?
Meet with young people, of course, great. This is an excellent training wit, confidence, communication skills. And, of course, a guaranteed way to arrange his personal life. However, there are situations where the first step - not the best idea. In some cases, it is not necessary to get acquainted with a young man , so as not to get into unnecessary problems?
1. He came to the event rather than one in the company of his girlfriend or wife. You should not watch until she go to a bar or a toilet. Even if you manage to catch him alone, perhaps he will go to the contact. After all, his girlfriend could return at any moment and catches you. But if, despite this, he agrees to meet you, it makes sense to think about. Do you young people, able to flirt with you, it was worth his girlfriend for a moment absent himself?
2. He was drunk. Of course, it happens that even the most lovely and attractive guys sorted out with a drink. But start with this relationship a little inappropriate. If his state of intoxication can be seen with the naked eye, you should not tempt fate. In the end, the drunk person can not only be rude, hamovat, but simply inadequate. Do not risk wasting. Yes, and very unlikely you will be pleased to such communication.
3. He sits in a large, friendly male company. Interrupt the bachelor party - a thankless task. Most likely, you either send or make fun of, or realize wrong. The fact is that when guys are going without the girls, any broken away from their close circle and exchanged a "real man's get-together" to communicate with the girl is seen almost a traitor and an enemy of the people. So you should not interfere.
4. He was very irritable, angry or in a hurry somewhere. No comments. Of course, there's a chance acquaintance with a beautiful and clever as you, lift up his spirits, but, alas, likely to fall under the hot hand so much more.
Small crash
In the movie, or romance novels, to get acquainted with the young man enough to inflict any damages. If, despite the awkwardness of the situation, he will smile at you and saying: "It's okay. All right, "then it's love. But the real world, unfortunately, or fortunately, does not live by the laws of melodrama. So never, never try to attract the attention of a young man stupid, stupid ways. For example:
1. "Accidentally" pour his icy juice on the beach or spill red wine on his white shirt. In the best case, you expose yourself clumsy, at worst - predstanesh complete fool. Do you think that the stubborn stains on clothes and there is a better way to win the men's heart? Of course, this is an excellent opportunity to present an honest and economical girl and say something like: "I'm so embarrassed, let me take your shirt home and wash out." Nevertheless, the mood of the young man will have flawed. Think of itself, unless you wanted to get acquainted with a man who doused with wine is your favorite dress? Hardly. So it is better not experiment.
2. "Accidentally" ramming his car. Looks like it is, of course, impressive and spectacular. But for most men, the machine - is sacred. Today's young people, even the most beautiful girl is not ready to forgive the broken headlight or crumpled door. So rigged car crash - it is rather a way to more closely communicate with the inspectors and insurers than with the man of your dreams.
3. "Poor service". Suppose you met his hero in the workplace and you need it serviced. To stand out as something and "stock up in the soul," you begin to specifically show off, annoy him questions, etc. It is sad, but with the support staff get to know extremely rare. So what are you needlessly risking their jobs and threaten the reputation of the firm.