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Inappropriate ways to show love

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 Inappropriate ways to show love

Your partner is able to pick up on your arm? You have had to make up that others did not notice your bruises and abrasions? Can we trust a man who is able to hit you, as it characterizes the strength of his feelings for you? In this case, do not follow the folk wisdom: "If the beats, then love." Such inappropriate ways to show love for men in the past. Since ancient times, men in love with rural families in this way proved their feelings, while women perceived it as a natural expression of love. Of course, such evidence was in vogue at the uneducated poor, the nobles, for example, were foreign to these inappropriate forms of affection to a loved one.
Woman of the XXI century can safely reap the fruits of labor of its predecessors: for her rights and freedoms already struggled feminists around the world. Physical violence against women is unacceptable, so a man who wants to rob you, too late for several centuries, with such manifestations of love. In such cases, I advise you not to take the position already conquered. Remember that if a man dare lift a hand on you - he is unworthy of your love. His sense can hardly be called love. After all, who truly loves the person is not able to hurt my loved one.

Just the contrary, it should protect you from outside influences. The behavior of a man who raised his hand to the woman, talking about his inadequacies. In fact, it is internally weak and notorious. Perhaps he is afraid to fight a worthy opponent, and therefore found in you the easiest way to assert itself. Truly love a man can exercise power in your address with only a noble goal - to help you carry a heavy bag, move furniture or defame the subject of dreams in her arms.

If he was capable of violence towards you, if it is justified and argues that it makes for good and for the sake of love, if he swears that this will never happen again, remember that it is unlikely to change. If it at least once every hit you, so will do so in the future. Most likely you just made a mistake in choice, and you need to quickly leave and forget about the failed romance.
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