Incense can be dangerous
Incense came to us from ancient times. Not many people know that burning incense was associated with sacrifice. Since God is in heaven, all that he meant, it went there, and send the victim could just incinerate them in the fire, and mix with the smoke, departing to the heavens.
Compulsory subjects in the rituals with sacrifices were smoking sticks. They are made of sandalwood and various fragrant herbs. It was believed that aroma that created these sticks, enjoying the gods. Thus, people have conjured them by the grace of the gods. Incense was used not only in sacrifices, in Japan, for example, spices used in the rituals of All Souls. On the graves of the dead lit smoking sticks.
But not only in various rituals used incense, they also found application in medicine. The smell of smoldering sticks can ease or even eliminate the headaches. Sometimes patients fumigated with a mixture of different herbs to get rid of some ailment. These days, it became very fashionable light house smoking sticks, herbal candles, buy a variety of oriental charms, etc.
Few people think about the implications of the eastern rites, and because such manipulation is not as harmless as they seem at first glance. In fact, your ignorance can not only bring you those positive results that you expect, fumigating your home, sandalwood wand, for example, but on the contrary, to bring trouble and degrade your health.
On the choice of spices should be treated very seriously. For example, in Taiwan, the doctors decided to investigate the air from the local temple, the air is always saturated with perfume, as in the temple, they are burned in large quantities. The results plunged the local physicians as a shock - in the air of the temple was discovered many substances that can cause lung cancer!
As it turned out in the air of the temple, was an excess of compounds polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. As a result, incense, were even more dangerous than car exhaust! Of course, the house you will not use incense in such numbers, but still no one will give you a guarantee that it is a smell, which you light your home, ultimately, will do you harm.
This does not mean you can not use incense sticks, but still does not get involved, too much light sticks or do it several times a day, for example. If you use incense, make sure after some time, ventilate the area. In addition, it is important to know that there are scents that favorably affect some organs and adversely on others. For example, sweet flavors a beneficial effect on the liver, but at the same time, they are unfavorable to the spleen.
Therefore, people with a bad spleen using such fragrances is not recommended. Core contraindicated bitter flavors, and people often ill bronchitis and asthma in particular should avoid pungent aroma. Sour flavors are well affect the lungs, but the adverse effect on the liver, etc.
In general, use incense to without fanaticism. If you know that, for example, sandalwood casts out evil spirits, and generally protects the dwelling of negative energy, do not light the right bundle of sticks and smoking to be afraid of opening windows a few days to this magical fragrance to evaporate. Minimum of what you earn in this case - headaches and nausea, and a maximum - the aggravation of some chronic ailments, such as inflammation of the kidneys.
Use incense with caution, listen to your feelings, if fragrance is slight malaise or discomfort, you should not continue to experiment with it. What works for many, can not quite suit you, so be careful in dealing with the eastern attributes!