Increases its energy
Energetic people are more successful shapers of events (unless, of course, they did not overestimate their abilities and do not commit other errors). Vigorous - means confident, full of strength and energy. And how are you things with vigor? If not, that would be nice to do something to improve it. Because the rate of implementation of the conceived event depends on your level of inner energy, ie the amount allocated to the energy you desire, some of which will be used by Life for assistance in promoting your orders. Therefore, pursuant to your preferred not to delay cases for years, when the need for them may already disappear at this stage of mastering the methodology of the event, we offer to you within 4-6 weeks of daily exercises to do for the development of domestic energy. We offer some very different approaches, and you choose what you are most comfortable with.
Charging through breathing
One of the most popular ways to improve their energy - these are different breathing practices. Activities and Methods of this kind known to many. The most effective ones - is East Energy Chi Kung, breathing exercises of yoga (pranayama) or breathing techniques such as "rebirthing". If you have time and money you can with a very big advantage for himself sound like such a class, the benefit of the proposals today, there are many. In yoga, focuses on "prana". "Prana" in Sanskrit means "vital breath, vital energy." According to ancient Indian views, while breathing a person takes in not only oxygen, but also a kind of energetic substance, which is called "prana." This energy, respirable man with the air is transferred to different organs of the body and is processed by them, forming a set of internal pranic current. We want to offer you one of the renowned yoga breathing exercises. So, raise your energy.
Exercise "Breath on the triangle"
One of the most effective techniques for increasing the energy level in yoga is breathing "on the triangle", which means the division of respiratory cycle into three phases: inhale-exhale-delay, and then repetition of this cycle. Different sources give different recommendations for the duration of these stages. Our experience shows that the best use of the same duration of stages and keep them multiples of the number of heart beats - 6 strokes breath, 6 strokes delay and 6 strokes exhale. If this duration is not difficult, try to increase the duration of stages 8, 10 or even 12 times the heart beats.
If you are doing exercise in a room with a large desktop or wall-mounted mechanical clock, as the unit of reference can take the clock ticking. One tick-tock "usually corresponds to about one second. One stage of the cycle should last as 6 (8, 10, 12) "tick-such." Breathing should be free, without interruption and stress. Breath made under the scheme: to be filled with air underbelly, then the middle part, then the chest to bursting. Exhale - in reverse order. During exercise using the "inner eye" (or "beam of attention") to mentally send the energy flows from the lungs to all organs and parts of your body - including the sick bodies for their cure.
Exercise is performed standing up or lying down. If you perform it at bedtime, you may be dreaming of bright colored dreams. Exercise can be performed during the walk - then the duration of the phase adjusted number of steps. Number of breaths "on the triangle" - 5-10 at a time, or you may feel dizzy from a surplus of oxygen. Perform an exercise it is desirable to constantly, but to increase their energy and get the effect you need to do it daily for at least a month. Breathing exercises are a general, indiscriminate increase in energy. You will feel cheerful, confident, good mood will not leave you. The effectiveness of the implementation of your wishes at the same time will increase by several times.
Charging a "rigid" the energies
If you need to increase self-confidence, assertiveness, and family activities you often have to literally "force" your interlocutors or partners, you need a point of view, we recommend that you periodically do the following exercise. It is desirable that the duration of the exercise you were in the room alone and you had a chance even if not very loud muttering or shouting, while no one would resort and offer to call psychiatrists.
Exercise "I have the power!"
♦ Stand up straight, raise your hands to your chest, clench their fists and with a force throw them up, down or away (you can take turns "throwing each hand).
♦ At the same time with the most potential for you to affective and expressive literally yell out a short vigorous phrase like: "I have the power!", "I have the energy", "I do well," "I am full of energy," "I am the owner (his life)! "or" I'm happy (rich, happy, doing well)! "The text may be more practical to type:" I am head of the department, "" I give a report, "or" I am the sexiest!
♦ Perform such action is necessary once 5.6 in a row. If you do it very vigorously, you feel just a wave of energy hitting you from the inside in the back.
Exercise is very energetic, but it creates a human rather "hard" energy necessary military, managers, businessmen, politicians and ordinary people wanting to move up the service or demand his salary more. It can be performed several times a day, including those directly responsible to the meetings or presentations.
Charging a "soft" energy
If you are assailed by doubts on the basis of personal relationships or you want to impress his gaiety and freshness of judgments, it is recommended to use a different, more light energy.
Exercise "Cosmic energy"
Stand up straight, stretch and relax. Close your eyes. Imagine that right from the distant depths of space on your head slightly lowered post glowing transparent energy. Similar posts you've seen in stormy weather, when some sun punched in the rare gaps between the dark clouds. The flow of energy coming into you on this post, can be painted in a pleasant for you gold or blue. Golden energy gives joy, lightness, wit. Blue or Silver - decisiveness, inner peace, confidence. Incoming energy fills you entirely and poured through your heart to others, and especially the one who you want. If you can, try to make the flow of energy has been with you constantly - when you work, ride public transportation, rest, etc. You must become like a puppet - a puppet hanging on "thread" of the energy flow. Stay "puppet" for several days, and you do not know yourself, not to mention your friends. Currently, the literature you can find many different exercises on energopodpitke - from the sun, trees, wind or waves, Earth, etc. They all work about the same. That is one of these exercises.
Exercise "fragile vessel"
Stand facing the rising or the setting the Sun. Prischurte eyes and try to see them through the thin ray of sun coming from the sun directly into your eyes. Imagine that your body - it's empty crystal vessel, which must be filled with the sun "fluid." Close your eyes, but keep your mind the image of golden ray of coming from the sun directly to you. Start the "filled" solar "fluid" through the solar ray. She is a ray gets into your head and then flows down to fill the vessel of your body. Golden liquid slowly fills the legs, torso, arms, head and begins to overflow through the top, pouring over your body outside the solar radiant flux.
If the sun covered by clouds or you're indoors, you can imagine a ray coming from the top, and charged him. At the end of exercise, which should last from 3 to 10 minutes to make ablution face open palm. Besides these exercises a very strong increase in energy yield purification of the body of toxins and performance of rituals of the religion to which you belong. Before starting the cycle of exercises to improve the internal energy measure it recommends that the level using the exercise "measures its power."