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Individual approach in choosing a life partner

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Individual approach in choosing a life partner

That means a combination of " individual approach in choosing a life partner ? Whose identity should be primarily considered in this delicate matter? The answer is clear: only your. You must take into account first of all their desires, aspirations and desires, or your life together with your partner may eventually become not so much unbearable, but at least bringing a little joy. And you did this achieve? Of course, you argue that your choice is dictated only by your desires. All this is certainly true, but often passionate love can turn a head of us and overshadow the true state of affairs. As a rule, the period of such reckless enthusiasm that's going long, and that in itself is not bad. Throughout his term, and it is impossible for life to a starry-eyed. Someday they will have to withdraw, as long as you have seen in the real world is not plunged into deep shock.

Of course, this happens not too often, but here are some unpleasant discoveries sometimes, alas, have a place to be, then you are seriously contemplating, if not wrong in his time in choosing. In all this good enough, so as to avoid embarrassing blunders, try to objectively assess their desire for men to start their life together. And then the honest answer to yourself whether all your desires, whims and fancies, he will be able to meet. In general, think of it, if you can come to terms with certain traits of his character? In addition, except for certain character traits, a representative of the male species, as a rule, there are hobbies and profession, the specificity of which also leaves its imprint on his life. Understand this is easy, you just have to watch carefully for a candidate. Do not forget to want that kind of individual approach in choosing a life partner!
Character traits

Let's start with character traits. Widely believed that one can know each other, just by eating a peck of salt together. This folk wisdom is not without justice, but I advise you not to expose themselves to such risk, that has subsequently been excruciatingly painful, you can simply spend more time together. Only suggest to take into account a small but nevertheless important nuance. The fact that the excellent state of love makes fluffs her feathers, not only you but also your potential partner. What can we do, we, the representatives of the human species, so arranged that aspire to appear in the best form before the object of their ardent feelings, and your partner in this sense is no exception. But later, when passions subside, it will gradually appear before you in its true light. But it is better not to wait, and try to make for themselves some of the findings at the initial stage of relations.

Suppose you notice that the man in the nature of this feature is clearly visible, as stinginess. Be prepared for the fact that in the process of living together is the quality can easily be transformed into greed, and even greed. It is likely that it will save on everything, even the most necessary to accumulate funds for a rainy day. " Evaluate your desires and your lifestyle in general: If you love entertainment, which require cost or used for anything does not deny, that option is clearly not for you. But if you're too inclined to save, indifferent to the novelties of perfumery and recreation in the fashionable resorts, then tightfisted partner, perhaps uzhivetes. If in addition you know and love to sew and knit, such a representative of the male species will be ecstatic, because you yourself produce pillowcases, curtains, woolen socks, for which the store would have to pay money. After contemplating the economic benefits of such enterprises, your partner will allocate the necessary funds to purchase needles, thread and fabric without much regret.

Bow-fisted male representative species of the extremely necessary to spend so difficult as to discourage spenders from doing absolutely unnecessary expenses. Is it possible to identify a representative of the male species already in the early stages of dating? Of course, even the most characteristic feature is that the prospective groom are constantly satisfied you ride unheard of generosity, not only on the day of the salary or bonuses. If he is a millionaire - then all is clear, but if not ...

However, if you live one day and think that we must take everything from life, then congratulations: you have finally found your soul mate yet. If you decide zaimet spenders as a husband, I want to give a little advice. At that time, as the representative of the male fisted rock all that neither getting dragged "into a burrow and protects what is called a rainy day, a wasteful man did not even think to make any stocks, perhaps because it simply has no idea why they needed. Therefore, someone in your tandem will be more reasonable and set aside a certain amount of money just in case of emergency. You've probably already guessed, on whose shoulders lies the burden?

Homebody and fans noisy companies

All members of the human species can be divided into couch potatoes and fans of noisy companies. Initially, consider and honestly answer yourself what type you belong. Homebody and a lover of noisy companies - such as diametrically opposed styles, such as tight-fisted and wasteful representatives of the male species. And it is equally applicable The conventional assertion that opposites converge. If you - the person is active, energetic, and an evening spent at home is regarded as a little death, then you couch potatoes elementary wither from boredom. In that case, when you manage to convince him, and together you go to visit or accept guests themselves, then get ready for that evening is likely to be poisoned by his whining, vytem, yapping, and even growling. Teach him to such entertainments personally I see little real.

If you spend your evenings at home and generally prefer the peace and quiet, with a lover of noisy companies will have to forget about all this. Such a representative of the male species as a partner is a threat to your health, at least - for the mental equilibrium. He certainly does not wish you evil, but just genuinely puzzled how you can sit at home, if pleasure can bring noisy gatherings. Once again did well to keep this house "pet" in your living together, it will not cause him nothing but aggression. In the end, he still goes, defiantly slammed the door, and will continue to come and go whenever he wants. In response to the criticisms you hear from a fan noisy companies that he simply could not exist in "solitary confinement" and "torture chamber". As you might imagine, under these dire words of a pet will be assumed with your family nest. Therefore, think carefully before you make your choice.

Many representatives of the male species, there are a variety of hobbies. For example, your partner is fond of hiking. Prepare to be that at least sometimes you have a passion to share it, since any alliance, however turn, rests on the presence of not only the ardent feelings, but also common interests. Therefore, if the thought of a trip into nature, as well as rafting on mountain rivers or unknown to mankind to conquer a mountain peak throws you the creeps, seriously think about their choices. And if you find the strength to participate in at least a small proportion of such events, then perhaps it is worth the risk. The same goes for sportsmanship: if you want - you do not want, but it will have to some extent share.

However, the exercise is useful, so feel free to choose a challenger for your hand and heart in the Pets: look, and soon you will join with it to a healthy lifestyle. If your potential choice prefers sports on the couch, that is, likes to watch football, boxing or something like that, be prepared for the fact that at least a little, but you have to understand this to be common themes for discussion. So, consider your wishes, tastes and habits, and I do not doubt that you somehow just can not go wrong in my choice!
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