Individual values of human
Not visible from afar individual human value . So the philosopher, talking about people in general, sees them look like himself. But the philosopher - is a rare exception to the rule, so it's hard to find many like him. And when prescribing other own good, in fact, he tells them the greatest evil. If the Greek gods, who feed on nectar and ambrosia, of the good intentions were put on this diet for all people, then people would have simply died out. Another philosopher, Ulyanov-Lenin, speaking about the future society, argued that all will work, but after a hard day everyone would go and work another shift, managing the state. The state will control all that every cook. He believed that the way people do benefit. All his life with passion in politics, not wanting anything else - therefore believed that this occupation is attractive to all. But force the people to work twice, and the second shift free, and ask how they liked it.
It is clear that they will respond. By the same policy for many disgusting in itself.
Socrates says about the ideal guardians:
"Stoluyas all together, both during the military campaigns, they will live together. And as for gold and silver should tell them that divine gold - that of the gods - they always have in your soul, so no need to gold human, and it would be folly, having to gold, to defile his mortal admixture of gold ... They are one is not allowed in our state to use gold and silver, even to touch them ... "
Again, he attributes to others their own values. Logical proof is not so much proving what justifies an opinion on this issue. The same thing we saw in the ideological fever: when a person enjoys something new and unnecessary, and picks up an argument for argument as to justify a wrong act. And Socrates picks up an argument for argument to justify some idea, which he believes. And because faith itself does not need a reason and logic. Visibility proof is needed only to persuade others to their faith. Just Socrates himself lived all his life without thinking about wealth, not collecting gold and silver, he liked it, but it is not obvious that the same life would be useful for others.

All of the above applies not only to philosophy but also to any person who by the nature of his activities looks at people from top to bottom and from afar. This applies to any leader, legislator, and even the father of the family. "Having found" some method of solving the problem, the person immediately to tell others what they should do, but first, he ascribes to them their own values, and secondly, because watching from afar, sees no details. Third, it can simply be mistaken. The logical solution, of course, does not solve the problem. Then the question, in modified form, is considered again and made the following decision, which is added to the previous one. But following the decision does nothing for the same reasons - and the cycle repeats. So a person imposes a restriction and limitation, the fetters of the fetters, the wall is built behind the wall until a Labyrinth. Thus, the first feature of the labyrinth of thought - attributing to others one's own values.
The second feature - this is an abstraction from a particular person, business, process, place, time and the particular circumstances. Maze people sometimes do not have anything real, any money or property (I do not mean his personal property), nor even his own position, he can always lose or change - it is only concerned with playing characters in their own lives in a virtual reality and vital specifics to him no more real than a computer game. But now he has all power in society, and a tragedy happens, where his virtual reality begins to suppress the reality of a healthy person. "We are humble people," - says the man labyrinth, or vice versa, "we are people of great - he thinks - because we are sitting in a big room." Human dignity is defined for him regalia and posts rather than actual ability and merit. Hence the labyrinth careerism, a strange and alien to a free person. The main objective of the labyrinth of human - to make a career, that is, change seats from one room to another.
There is an American movie where a woman takes sekretar dizzying skill and ingenuity to interest the big boss of your project and get a result in the same room as that of her former boss. It still sits in the new cabinet, it means a happy-end classic, the camera shows the huge building full of hundreds of precisely the same offices, and no one notices the irony - and yet our heroine vanished forever as a person in this muraveynke offices. Can not say that man has no maze of opinion, but it does not produce the opinion itself, and acquires and assigns opinions, orders from above. Therefore, it can easily change the view to the contrary, without a shadow of doubt and without hesitation - because the view is determined by the order or circular, and circulars are issued, all new.