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Info Virus

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Info Virus

Have you ever seen a virus? In fact, he was so small that it is less than the wavelength of light, so look at it in principle impossible. If this is life, life, the essence of which we can never comprehend. It's a strange life without light, without sound, without smell and taste, and in general without any feeling known to man. Perhaps the only thing that unites it with us, it's feelings for the pain, which is known both there and here. It is more alien to us than the hypothetical people living in remote galaxies. Sometimes a cell, seeing the invasion of the virus, commits suicide, so that new viruses inside it did not have time to mature - so it saves the neighboring cells. It turns out that self-sacrifice are not only able people. Viruses are too simple to have a system repair and recovery, so what are the cells, so they are very often mutate, and therefore almost nevozvozhno a good remedy against them, so their killing ability can quickly increase and wane, so they can hit all of the new species living beings.

 The virus is too small to be with him it was possible to effectively fight, and he lives inside the cells, medicine, destroying it would have without destroying the cell to destroy the virus - such medicine is very difficult to create. The virus is inactive, that is practically dead when he is not inside a living cell. He did not die of old age, and in this respect is eternal, it seems to be dying from nedostaka food, but once again comes alive at the first opportunity to kill someone. It exists in the neutral zone between life and death - and making forays in one or the other way. Inside the cell, he comes alive and does what he only knows how to do - break down and multiply. A computer virus behaves in the same way as biological. He's dead, until the program works, and then activated, replicates and kills. Those and other viruses have a system of defense and attack. As computers and organisms have systems in place to find viruses and destroy them - more or less successfully.

I have before me a sheet of paper, finely hand-scrawled smooth feminine hand. Letter. It reads in some detail what this letter is distributed over thousands of years and it got Dante Konandoyl, Pugacheva, and many others. Some of the recipients ignored the letter and thus condemned themselves to misery: one died, another lost loved ones, and the third was disabled and so on. This information system attacks the virus. Way to stick. The second system uses a method of attack stick: lists of historical figures who followed the call letter and comply with its requirements. One has won the battle, the other became rich, and the third is lucky and so on. Another system attacks concluded that the lists of outstanding personality, people who have credibility. That is, the system uses so-called attack power authority.
In addition, partly from using the information power, it is reported, the information (of a philosophical nature) that could gently reprogram human behavior in the desired direction. What does require this letter? It's very simple: we have to rewrite from hand twenty copies and toss in the mailboxes of those people who wish to goodness. If those people will receive a letter and fulfill its requirements, then receive and happiness. And if not? Then they will suffer a heavy blow of fate, possibly death - so whether or not subject dear people at risk? Here is noticeable logical puncture and here the protective system of the person, ie, its mind (if there is enough) kills the virus information . But it is possible that out of twenty copies of one or two will survive to give offspring. This information form of life, its an option. Infiltrate and propagate themselves through the other. This virus is quite harmless, although there may be things and terrible.

Letter from the previous example is informatsmonnym virus for the following reasons:

1) It is a kind of parasitic or predatory forms of information life, it consists of information and copies of the same building of the information propagated by division or, rather, budding adults own copies. After 20 vzrosnyh copies spun off, the parent organism dies.

2) It has a "genetic material", that is, m short sentence in an incomprehensible language that you want to copy and reproduce.

3) It has a system of defense and attack, which we have already spoken.

4) The virus affects not our bodies and our brains - it affects our psyche or consciousness, which is immaterial, and in a very rough approximation, consists of ideas. Virus itself is also an idea, and everything else, and paper and ink - it's just a subject with which the virus can travel in space, to find and attack new victims. He comes alive in the minds of people there and it seeks to promote.

5) The virus makes its copies of the information, which is applied to a sheet of paper, and the material carrier - capsules, within which this information may exist in principle indefinitely. If such a letter would be opened by late age of twenty, information viruses come alive and try to propagate.

6) Such a body, in principle, can evolve, develop along two lines: firstly, to strengthen its system attacks and invent new ones, secondly, randomly mutate, while its viability will vary.

7) For the movement in space, it uses the psyche of many other people, such as postmen, which does not infect.

8) This letter can be rewritten many times and give new generations, the set of people can hurt the idea of this letter, but, fortunately, this disease does not bring significant harm.

Another informative virus

NN village consisted of one long, dusty streets with multiple branches. For many years, the street is not Rasley nothing but grass. Lacked ideas. Some old, nearly dead trees were broken into at the lower end of it, under the hill. They already could not give offspring. Could not by physical means, but could INFORMATION. One day a man walked past. It was a hot and sultry day, the man hid in the shadow of half-dead tree and thought: why not plant trees on the street? Once emerged the idea of immortal - in the sense in which the virus is immortal. A few more years and the same person, being in the woods, recalled his thoughts to plant trees and cut a stick and took it with him.

 Out of this stick vyraslo first young tree on the street. It took another seven or eight and a tree podraslo. Other people saw that it was good, and began planting trees in the set - everyone in front of his home. Now the whole street is planted with trees in rows. Initially, the idea of an infected person, but did not find a supportive environment, she remained in a latent state, waiting for the virus away from cells of the victim. Once in the right conditions, it hatch - and planted the first tree, which contained not only the leaves, bark, branches and roots, but the idea of a large green area. Over time, the majority of people living nearby, were infected with this idea.
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