Information space
Around us - people, machines, natural phenomena, animals, and much more. Each thing or event has its meaning. Everyone is a source of mental and emotional energy. And then there is the information space , infused with waves of different nature. Rightly felt that we have this information space is affected. Not an empty expression - "waves of hatred", "Sunshine of happiness." We permeates the space of human thoughts and feelings. We can not get away from it anywhere. This is our habitat. Voluntarily or involuntarily during the day we meet thousands of views, exchanging hundreds of replicas are experiencing a lot of feelings which, in turn, passed on to other people. Perhaps this is partly the cause of chronic fatigue, which is peculiar to the inhabitants of large cities. Only our own inner autonomy and rejection of the evil within ourselves can protect us. Do not remove the evil eye - it does not help if you do not watch for cleanliness in their field of thoughts and feelings.

Deafening cascade of other people's opinions, remarks and scorching passion pours on us daily, and there is no "umbrella" that would reliably has saved us from the emotional saturation. More or less reliable protection can be internal human power, confidence and the correctness of his choice. Only a set of personality traits helps people prevent evil inside yourself and stay on the good side. But this inner purity of feelings and thoughts can save only the man himself, external influences virtually powerless. Techniques that are different and described. Depending on how people comfortably, he or mentally "fenced off" from the surrounding information space, but then it will not come up and good.
Some experts suggest mentally create around themselves a protective shell - filter, something like two-way mirrors, where the negative thoughts and information reflected on that subject, from whom emanate. It's not so difficult, and requires only conventional imagination and training. It is paradoxical from the point of view of rational man, but repeatedly tested - and works! But it requires a single condition - not radiate aggression itself. And it is more difficult but also possible. It has become very fashionable to "remove the evil eye, and some go for this procedure is almost as regularly as a hairdresser. Of course, the view that half of us were and are subjected to the evil eye or damage, often justifiably. And this is a direct consequence of the fact that the secret practices now available to all. People live in huge communal apartment, and sometimes do not stop in order to solve their problems of life through magic. Not all are aware of the consequences of such acts committed for the sake of short-term profit. A vicious circle of evil is closed, pulling in more and more new victims of addiction to unsafe secrets.
If there were an artist, able to capture the emotional interaction between people on paper, many would be horrified. Indeed, many of us move through life in a tight web of "bundles" of radiation of different people. That's why our psyche knows no rest, trying to defend our identity. This theory is confirmed by the enormous power held by a collective thought. And that power can be destructive and creative. But the man who turned out in the crowd, forced to adapt to the surroundings and gradually loses its independence. In addition, the number of people subtly perceptive psychological impact of those around these days has increased significantly. This means that the qualities of earlier individual members of the human race, become the property of a wide range of people.
Today, therefore, question of preserving identity remains very topical. How could stay yourself and learn to resist foreign influence? There are several ways in which we describe. Whoever created this world, made sure that there were illnesses and medications from them, poisons and antidotes, shadow and light, it scattered. Walking in the crowd, the people of the city are intertwined in a complex radiation field mass of different people. Of course, not all of them favorable, and our mind is constantly on their toes, trying to preserve their independence and individuality. That is why the idea when she has a lot of people, has such a devastating effect. Some researchers believe that the idea that simultaneously holds more people, has great power, which can be both destructive and creative. Once in a crowd, a man against his will begins to think and act the same way as everyone else.