Innocent blackmail
The method of blackmail is best used when all other possible means have been exhausted and have not yielded any results. This method of manipulation is this: you're trying to scare the man, trying to force him to fulfill your request, otherwise you promise to do something he will not survive what he was terribly afraid that his dream into a nightmare. blackmailing innocent bear fruit only in that case, if you know what fear man.
For example: "If you do not stop to cast away their dirty socks around the house - I will not erase them," If you come every day from work so late - I'm going to my mother, "If you do not quit drinking - I'm from you go away. " You must understand the danger of this method of manipulation: you can not scare the man, but rather happy. Perhaps he is just waiting, when you finally drop it or leave to my mother, and he will do what he really wants. In addition, there is a danger that the manipulative blackmailing can give rise to a serious quarrel. Once you feel that far gone, and your threats will only annoy a man, you should stop and try to make peace.

If you decide to use this trick, you have to be very serious - not to smile, speak confidently and decisively. Do everything that a man believed you, really scared, felt in your hands. Remember that you must be serious, otherwise you would not believe, and you lose. Your claim and your actions in case of non-compliance should be commensurate with: for example, if you want your man has ceased to be late for my appointment, can intimidate him so that they themselves would be as forgetful and just not come in next time.
Remember also that too often resorted to this method of manipulation is not necessary. If you never tried to implement your threat, the man will realize that you are just bluffing, your blackmail - no more than a desperate attempt to get him to dance to its tune. Therefore, this method is best used only in exceptional cases when other methods do not help.