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Instinctive laws

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Instinctive laws

By its very nature, any female must sooner or later, to conceive a baby. And when that happens, the female becomes the helpless, because she needs to give birth to a baby, try to keep him and feed. How did it alone to cope with all this? - Only to bind any male who will manage it and protect the baby! And if it does not bind himself to a male, then the harder it is to survive. Therefore, the stereotypical female behavior is quite natural. It is simply necessary for the protection of a male offspring. I warn you: as long as we are only talking about instincts.

At the level of instincts everywhere in nature females are trying to tie one of the males. This is the first obvious strategy. In this regard, females have always instinctively checked the male on several parameters:

-If he can defend it;

-Whether he would feed her;

-Whether he will take care of her and help;

-Whether he has a roof over his head;

-Does he not leave her;

And so on.
Every time a female of any kind, including a woman, checks how the male line with its instinctive needs. As soon as she feels that the male should become a parent can bring up children, she makes a decision: this is not a sin and surrender. Obviously, is not it? Instincts dictate to us how to behave with the opposite sex. That is why the standard model the behavior of such zamorochennaya. But apart from the desire to tie the male, there is another instinctive strategy is very important to us. There lies the meaning of study on this topic, since it is not considered part of the standard model, thus providing an opportunity to form a new (!) Model of seduction, the new style of seduction, if you like!

Genes - is paramount thing in survival. Get the best genes tend to all living organisms. Of course, in nature there is a law of filtration genes. Without this, any organism on earth would have prevailed against viruses and disease struck, and finally all of life would disappear! Therefore, any living being acting clearly instinctive desire to fight for strong genes. And this setting dominates over all other desires in our life, both at the level of instincts - this is the meaning of our existence - the strong genes and strong offspring!

Males are different. Completely different. Weak male - the male is by nature unfit for procreation. In terms of species survival, it also completely uninteresting. Weak male will never go against morality, but morality is written: "Choose your one female, and live with her until the end of his days!" So says the commandments, and world religions. Weak male, of course, do not want to conflict with conventional morality, so he finds a female, and lives with her whole life.

Strong, as is known, the common law does not care. He, moreover, do not care what they think about this the other, it only cares what he wants! Strong male selfish. He provokes the weak to the fact that they sacrificed themselves for him, for the sake of its survival and prosperity. But the strong males are more valuable than the weak, the more valuable overall for the survival of the species. Therefore, the strong male species concerned. He therefore allowed to violate the law. In this case, a strong male uses morality as a tool of pressure against the weak, who only tries to break morale and act selfishly.

Stronger than the male, the stronger its genotype, the stronger and sharper than his desire to spread their genes. This desire can be seen from any male, but a weak male strangling a these impulses as susceptible to moral. While strong, which proginaet morality for themselves and are willing to respond, should the momentum of desire, come what may. These processes are characteristic of human and animal. When a strong male (leader) gets on a foreign female monkeys, males are more reconciled to it. As a result, he bestows a strong female genes. Weak male, this maneuver did not succeed: it just tries to seize the female, as it was removed immediately and blame foreign. Society in such a way that's gene regulates reproduction, stunted male trying not to give any chance to play a weak gene.

The female also has two main strategies:

Is to find and get the gene from the strong male, good and tough;

-Tie a male to his person in order to take care of pups.

The most curious thing - it's statistics, which gathered scientists from around the world on this issue. It turns out that in the nests of birds, 20% of the chicks are born not from those of males, which helps the female feed them. And, more interestingly, on average, the genes of the chicks are much stronger.

So when the question is "whether it is possible to seduce the girl, the answer is unequivocal:" You can. " Regardless of the circumstances of her life (marriage, parenthood, etc.). Because each female hunts for the strong genes. In the female society - a kind of genetic filter. To her constantly because of strategies for global distribution of genes would be to break the door of the males. A woman can say anything. What she does not like is that it constantly harass and fit males, etc. In fact, it is nice, and it needs instinctive laws in this manner is perfectly suited. And she needs are simple. It must constantly select and communicate with different males, engage them, tease, provoke certain actions - and filter, filter, filter.

Our sense of entitlement instincts

There are instinctive laws , which neither women nor men can not be challenged. These are laws that have formed over millions of years of evolution of life on Earth. And these laws do not cancel by virtue of any man, because if he could do it, the system crashed, and its form will die out. According to the laws of survival and filtering of genes, genes must be strong to continue the existence and weak - to die. This is a paramount law. Time after time, has consistently occur mutations of genes. But one goal - a strong and tenacious genes are required to continue the race, the rest are rejected.

The female has two strategies:

-Fertilized steepest genes;

Is to find and bind to their male who will care for their children.

So when do you pay for a girl to care for her, be sure it operates in accordance with the second strategy! Hence, as soon as her life stronger male than you, she'd sleep with him! One of my friends "gave" only a month after talking with a guy. So, somehow the conversation she said: "Here with Bruce Willis, I slept at once, without hesitation." Well, not the fact that straight-away at once. Rather, her words imply that at a meeting with Bruce, it would have wanted sex with him, and if he had behaved as it should, she would have given him. But Sergei she gave herself a month later, and now he is raising children. Only here whose children are? Perhaps Bruce Willis! It turns out that the woman, a reproducing element, the main function in nature - to filter out bad genes and play good.

Another thing the male, its main function - "prisunut" to as many females, so that his family has increased the range of its distribution! Therefore, males are so hard to have sex with different women, and women that desire is weakened. Guys are excited, too, is stronger and get more pleasure from sex with a healthy females. But the man is not a genetic filter. His strategy - to fertilize! If you choose not from anyone, even fuck someone. Strategy as females - especially filter! Do not choose the best, and filtered. Constantly. Ideally, it should not give anyone, absolutely anyone. In an ideal male should fuck all, absolutely all, it increases the chance of survival is its gene! For this reason, a woman will always try to filter out, but if a male is not stupid, it its an effective strategy with its instinctive prioretit be finished.
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