Integration of disabled children into society
The need for special treatment for "special" people to "sick" to "weak" members of society - the problem is not new. Different communities at different times to solve it in different ways. Why are there such people? How to treat them? Can you help them and whether they help? Is it possible to make sure that this would not happen? The changing times and the scenery can be seen the same very small set of approaches: either we accept the "special" rights equal to himself, on some level, just as perfect, or we are not ready to accept it as an equal being. Review of historical examples show that those civilizations, societies, regimes that deliberately got rid of the "special" and "weak" members of the community pretty quickly (of course, the scale of the historical process as a whole), ceased to exist.
Position, which in this society is stronger, determines public policy. Depending on the prevailing approach develops the whole life of the "special" man and his family from birth (manifestation or appearance of anomalies). So whether it is necessary to isolate the disabled? It does not matter for the family, which has left a disabled child at home and brings him home. Others do not usually come to mind to think about it ahead of time. Until then, until they themselves or their loved ones will not appear at the edge of the abyss and will be forced to tailor their life.
However, we note that a step towards him who is in trouble, who are very dependent on others, because he can not survive without them - is the essence of integration. Integration - it is not mixing and implantation of someone "abnormal" into something "normal." This is a step towards each other all separated. Integration - it is not a paradise for people with disabilities. Neither hell nor heaven are not suitable for development and solving life problems. When too good or too bad, it does not develop. Integration of disabled children into society - this is the way in real life. An ordinary life in a normally organized environment.
In this case, the integration misunderstand just as the inclusion of children with developmental disabilities in any community, in an environment that neither materially nor spiritually ready to accept it. Such integration of disabled children into society can be disastrous for both sides. We understand integration as a complex process, as a careful construction of a coherent chain of adequate communicative and cognitive environments, each of which would contribute to the empowerment of the child and would prepare him to move to the next level of integration. Of integrity is directly related to the set of paths, with a set of possibilities.
The school brought the child, cognitively close to the "norm", and behaviorally too complicated. The class did not take, but agree to engage with them individually. This is purely a habilitation approach. How can develop the same situation in the adaptive approach? After seeing the child, the teachers decide that a class with normal children it is impossible to plant. Educational opportunities for his good, but the behavior and personality, he could not yet be in the classroom with them. If you put the child in a regular class - he "gets out" their own features and is maladjusted.
But there is a very good special school, there to cope with it, and there he finds himself. In a special school is less cognitive load, more teachers can focus behavior, establishing contact with the child, etc. Indeed, there he is very well adapted, but the results were not realized its possibilities. Consider options for integrative action sequences.
Strategies may be different. On the one hand, we can build a program in which he sometimes accompanied turns on the general classroom, and in the rest of the time involved in individually, at the same time build up a psychological climate in the classroom - to solve complex integrative tasks, so that eventually the child was adopted by his classmates.
Other possible sequence of actions to integrate the same child. By putting the task eventually prepare him for the regular school education, some time to teach a child to the class as a good secondary school, separately engaged with informative, that it is not behind the regular school program. And when will be solved educational problems in time to enter the child in regular school class.
What is integrative institution
To enable the full integration necessary to build a single integration space for all members of the community. And every educational institution - a subspace of this space. Consider an organization that from the very beginning its work on the basis of an integrative approach - the Center for Curative Pedagogics. Important for us is that it allows competently approach to integration: create a group of children for each child the best way to build a chain of groups - an adequate communicative and cognitive environments, each of which would contribute to the empowerment of the child and prepare for his move to the next level of integration . While traditional defectology reduces the system structure to a primitive level, we are moving towards the construction of complex productive structures.
For the specialists of the Centre has become customary that the status of each child engaged in the Centre, is gradually improving. And often improves considerably. Among the basic principles of the Center for Curative Pedagogics include the following:
- Attitude to the child as an equal. Recognition of each child for human dignity, no different from our human dignity. Nemanipulyativnost methods;
- Flexibility and variability of structures that can be configured to provide effective assistance for each particular child, build a customized program of work, the optimal way to combine diagnostic, consultative, and various forms and types of remedial work;
- Attention to the sphere of relations as a whole, not as a side, an additional, but as to a fundamental formative factor. On how to be able to build all these relationships - the relationship between the children, the relationship between adult and child, the relationship between adults - rely heavily on results;
- Open-ended, ie, orientation to the maximum possible interaction with parents, relatives child's environment, society as a whole.
In the framework of institutions, suffer an integration task, the child should be typed social potential, which will determine in what extent the world in which people can adapt. How much can we baby social "disperse" so great will be then a world in which he comes. Normal School feasibly solve the same task - to bring people through education as much as possible the world. Those employed at any educational institution, including - integration. In the integration institutions can not be a bad relationship. Or between employees or between employees and children. Otherwise the community is guaranteed to fall apart. The experience of more than ten years of the Center for Curative Pedagogics can draw some conclusions.