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Intensity of emotions

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Intensity of emotions

Surely you do not often heard the expression: possess information - possess the world. But what does this wisdom is the sphere of acquaintances? Incidentally, the most direct! The more you know about the man before I knew it, the easier it is to charm! How did find out who in front of you and what he wants?

In fact, it's pretty simple. All the people in the world by way of perceiving information fall into three groups: the visuals, and audialy kinestetiki. In the former the dominant organ of sense is vision, the second - a rumor from a third - the sense of touch. At first glance it may seem insignificant information. In fact, it is very important because the strength of feeling has an incredible value.

If you would like from the first minute of our conversation to catch a man, just try to understand what is the sense organ for him dominant, and the impact on him. Visual, for example, features a bold clear view. In conversation, they always look at his companion, try not to come to anyone too close, keep your distance, because they want to have more visibility. They often use words and phrases like: "I see", "notice", "Describe to me the situation," looks good "," I see it differently. "
Of course, these men need to seduce her glamorous looks and appropriate vocabulary. Tune my under his manner of speaking, and you immediately notice how easy it is to win this man. For example, you can approach him with the words: "I see you're missing ..." or "Hello. From the side you look very careful man. Interestingly, you noticed that I can not take from you look? "

Audialy whole world is perceived by ear. Their speech is usually very diverse and full of different shades, tones and inflections. During the call, they can gesticulate profusely. Sometimes does not look his interlocutor in the eye. They can even run opinion. And they often say something like: "You do not listen," "Listen, I tell you what," "I say what I think," I hear that you're lying to me, "etc. to subdue a man can adjust to his system of perception. To do this, try to accurately copy the intonation of a man and his manner of speaking. Used the same words that he, adopt the vocabulary, tone and timbre of his voice. If a man speaks softly and humbly, try to answer him the same way. If he gromoglasen, speak clearly and loudly.

Kinestetiki mostly focused on touch. To know and to love something, they want it to feel something. In contrast to all other people, they love to touch someone and then affinity. Often use words like: "I do not feel your love", "I feel like me," I have a feeling that something is wrong. " These men need to win the touch. Do not order from a prude, let him touch himself. If a man feels that you are pleasant to touch, feels his heart is in your pocket!
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