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Interaction between men and women

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Interaction between men and women

Human interaction and collaboration between men and women are fundamentally different from each other! For as the heavens and the earth, no less! In any relationship, men and women - talking, creative process, activity, etc. - the effectiveness of this interaction is increased by many tens, hundreds, thousands of times! It all depends on the depth displayed by male and female qualities. Human interaction and interaction between men and women are fundamentally different from each other! For as the heavens and the earth, no less! Particularly powerful are the polar energy manifested in a relationship, men and women. Meeting men and women and the creation of a pair means that their impact on the world grows twice as, and in tens of thousands and even millions of times! Indeed, in this case, the active action included the heart energy and eros!

The most important thing in life comes to a pair of love, the greatest the creative energy. After orgasm is even more profound and more powerful energy than, for example, nuclear energy. Therefore, it is said: "When two people in peace and harmony, under one roof, will say:" Move mountain! "- She moves!" Indeed, the possibility of being in love and harmony couples are endless! When two people in peace and harmony, under the same roof, they will say "Move mountain!" - She moves! Such a pair spreads his happiness, his love for family, for friends, to acquaintances. Its vibrations, the power of their thoughts and feelings she has a positive energetic influence on events in the city, region, country on the planet.

The crisis of gender

Why do so many couples have problems and fall into the various crises? Where does the enormous energy produced in the interaction of two polarities, male and female, energies? In answering this question, one of my interlocutor said that energy goes to overcome friction! Yes, indeed, to various small and large, internal and external conflicts to disputes and splashes of emotions, the anger and resentment - in short, the friction ... Enormous creative energy of the pair goes nowhere, and now many couples live, eking meet, often worse, than if you lived separately ... disharmony of personality, the internal state of a person almost always affect the manifestation of power couples in her life. Why do so many couples have problems and fall into the various crises? Where does the enormous energy produced in the interaction of two polarities, male and female, energies? Energy goes to overcome friction!
Today we see a deep inner disharmony people expressed in the strong development of the mind, heart and closed depressed eros. No wonder she has a decisive influence on the quality of men and women. Modern men and women differ from their ancestors. Many characterize the XX century as a time of masculine women and feminine men. This brief description pretty accurately reflects the true state of affairs. Intelligent men tend to have suppressed eroticism, and therefore underestimate the creative ability that prevents them from fully realized in life. Intelligent women lose their femininity, cease to perform its core function, which consists in the creation of the space of love, take an active position of the male and give birth to children known to be disharmonious.

The twentieth century - the time masculine women and feminine men.

As a result, a society with weak masculine and feminine energies. Moreover, they are not used in the creative process and the struggle and destruction. But the interaction of men and women determines everything in our world: the birth of love, and children, and other creative projects. And here we see the manifestation of love, and love that is not called. How can fight with each other male and female energy? In nature it is impossible in principle! And we see men degrading women, and women degrading men ... Any form of violence to each other - is a profound drop in both men and women, the consequence is a large number of sick children, totally disharmonious and even harmful projects of individuals, firms and nations and constantly replacing each other crises. Identity crisis leads to a crisis of sex, which becomes the basis for all future crises, until the interstate.

Identity crisis leads to a crisis of sex, which becomes the basis for all future crises, until the interstate. We do not have training institute for men and women. Ancestral ties between the generations and lost in this important matter. The current education system does not take into account the need for sex differences, and education. Public institutions do not give this issue proper attention. In a society appear weaker sex differences, and the culture loses its pronounced sexual characteristics. Frequently whether children see Houses real man and real woman? And what of the teachers teach our children? And children are watching on television and in movies bast film characters and absorb these images. But they are far from reality and can not be manifested in your life. We see inadequate requirements of the lives of girls and boys. Where they can get an idea of these masculine and feminine qualities? No wonder that, according to prevailing opinion, the main qualities of men - this is violence, aggression, rigidity, and women - cunning and bitchiness ...

Here we see inadequate requirements of the lives of girls and boys. Where they can get an idea of these masculine and feminine qualities? No wonder that, according to prevailing opinion, the main qualities of men - this is violence, aggression, rigidity, and women - cunning and bitchiness ... It was widely idea of man as a sexless being (unisex). But youth is full of energy and desire for freedom ... As a result, we face a massive sexual violence and explosive development of homosexuality. The absence of a harmonious and a pronounced development of male and female qualities - it is the greatest crisis of civilization.

Equality of men and women - the path to stability

Important role in terms of masculinity and femininity is another aspect - the inequality between men and women who served as the "trigger" for a variety of crises. There is a dichotomy: on the one hand, we must strive to develop both male and female qualities, on the other hand - the equality of men and women. In the matter of equality, too many problems. Once on the ground dominated matriarchy. When the system relations faced a deep crisis, it was replaced by patriarchy. He, in turn, lasted many thousands of years and in the end, too, plunged into a crisis that was reflected in women's fight for their rights. In order to achieve true equality of men and women they must enter into another state of consciousness, to see each other as the highest manifestation of human-creator. But at a low level of consciousness inequality holds by definition and is manifested in all spheres of life.

In order to achieve true equality of men and women they must enter into another state of consciousness, to see each other as the highest manifestation of human-creator. Gender inequality in a society generates creation of hierarchies, classes, castes, various elites ... confirmation of these words is an example. In some European countries was enshrined equality between men and women in society, including all systems management. And this, even the somewhat artificial system has eliminated many in society caused by the inequality problems and improve its resistance to crises. But this is only a few examples. Typically, the measures taken are not effective enough and do not allow us to establish true equality of men and women. A society without clearly manifest themselves men and women becomes a faceless, turns into a homogenous mass, primarily interested in work and consumption.
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