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Interaction between teachers and parents

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Interaction between teachers and parents

Subjects of the educational activities of all three, no more and no less: the teacher, the child's parents. The subject - a person who takes part in defining the objectives, content, forms, who participates in the organization of educational and educational work. Parents are usually very willing to listen to their opinion. And very upset that their views were taken into account only in the form of fundraising.

Interaction between teachers and parents start with the easiest. With the information. Suppose you plan (alone or with children) to start on "Ships". Even if it's only the second youngest group, some idea of individual children already have. Let's evening ask them about it and make entries in the "model of the three questions." To interview all the children do not need, but two or three answer - it is not enough. Once the records are made, hung out this sheet in the waiting room with the addition of information: "We are preparing for a new topic."

Thus, parents will see: small children already know enough of their own stories were not in vain, the children have conscious interests, they know where and how you can get information. Perhaps they find it necessary to remind the child what he forgot, the house will switch to the topic and tell, or find pictures, etc. It is important to give the possibility to orient the children and parents. In addition, you will not have big problems with asking for help: parents will be ready, that their children are planning something to ask, what need books, etc. Next? Next write an advertisement that you have and what else do you need.

How to encourage parents to participate in the life of a child in kindergarten
Most educational practices declared by the need to involve parents in life kindergarten. Rather, "a life of their child in kindergarten." Hence, there are situations where parents need to come in a kindergarten and stay, something to do with the children. Many parents in this case is closed with the words "I can not, can not, do not have time." What do the educator? Hang in receiving a report card or a calendar in which the family members of students could note convenient for them daily. Stay calendar calculation: in the month of 21 days (weekdays only), us - 48 (all family members who take an active part in the life of a child), so that only 1 every two months to find time and come in a group for 30-40 minutes .

Take your parents at any time convenient to them: in the morning, during school hours, for a walk, in the afternoon and even in the quiet hour. Examine the entries in your calendar and pre-discuss with parents what they wanted to do in the band: to play with children, read to them to fix something, learn something or just watch the kids. Ask what help they need. Prepare a memo to parents on how and what can be done in different classes. Encourages parents to approach them during their presence in the group, but if you see that everything is in order, do not ask too many questions and do not interfere. Openly and sincerely thank, to bring to the discussion of the lives of children in the group.
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