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Internet Dating

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Internet Dating

Look for love on the Internet started with since discovered the Internet itself. First, hunters were few, and they were not the kind of maniacs, not that some kind of higher beings. They grinned and dropped dedicated grins: "I was yesterday at this site came across." Then the hunters become more accustomed to exercise, and vulgar jokes, "Hey, a girl caught in the net! Until five in the morning chatting somersaults!" - "It's good to you. And I could not" enter ", I was a huge black man as the bulk". But recently, there was a qualitative revolution. First, the searchers had become so numerous that mocked them, almost nobody. And secondly, some of them suddenly began to disappear. The computer is, and the man who was searching for his love, no. And what would you do: write and about this anecdote, or it's better fantasy novel? And then, perhaps, to call the police?

Love on the Internet

And then they began to return. Here's my friend Pasha returned - from the island of Barbuda. It is generally a time going there the climate is very suitable for offshore companies. In the end, combine business with pleasure, because he met on the Internet with Canadian girl Evelyn. Somewhere about four months, they flirting on the wire and opened in each other all the wonderful new features. And then conspired to meet in Barbuda. So what?

"Well, in general, it was a bit fuller than in the pictures that I sent emails. But on the other hand ..." - Pasha fell silent, and his face begins to wander quite typical idiotic smile. What will happen next, he still does not know all of his intellect and will go out to catch that smile. And it's still something pops out from somewhere behind his ear, then slipped off his forehead, but flank intellect and will ignore it. Sometimes they come back tired but happy. Sometimes outright evil.
Or already in full preoccupied with the forthcoming marriage-associative troubles. It does not matter. The bottom line is that there was a very important thing. Love on the Internet is no longer synonymous with pornography, or the destiny of those who are willing to settle for "Sex in the correspondence." She became what, actually, and always has been - life. And the Internet - no more than another of its tools at hand. However, and in its other guises, it is also anywhere on the Internet is gone. And do not go away, be assured. So you'd better get acquainted, if not managed before.

Discovering the Internet, probably easier than on the street, in a club or on the subway. Not least because that is all around, on dating sites, which was originally not opposed to the contrary, it is for. Then, still life begins. Without a cursor and mouse button to return to a favorite site. Still, the first step - it's too much. By the same choice. Want to address loving abroad? No, the address of the place will not suffice. Generally, these sites sea. With zazyvnymi descriptions, with photos and without which you want to.

More recently, chatting and virtual sex was the theme of the duty of the programmer. It seems that the toothless old woman, sitting at the computer, describes himself Uma Thurman, and at the other end of the network skinny bespectacled hooked in the same tone she exposes herself Banderas. So now it is not very funny, because people increasingly go to the Internet in order to meet then. And the Internet is also a Russian on this rapidly approaching. (The Eternal is our destiny - headlong run through what others are thoughtful and degree.)

They are already in full use as a newspaper personals. Only online dating more convenient not to have to call, go to the editor, cut out coupons. Plus - some hope for the educational and material level of the partner: does your computer have not yet all. It's funny that men in the network to actively learn about each other, and girls from the provinces prefer to seek foreign suitors. However, it is logical. To them, the Internet - dating - is a unique window into the very very different life. The argument in defense of this activity - any infection is certainly not catch it, except that a computer virus, as a maximum. True, the most recent and terribly dirty, done a fuss a computer virus, which has just ill with humanity, called "I love you".
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