Interpret dreams for a new
What are dreams? What are they and how can they take? In ancient times it was believed that in the dream with us talking to the spirits, trying to have something to communicate or to predict an event. Now the theory of the origin of dreams backed by scientific research, and yet, even in our time of high technology, we can not with one hundred percent certainty disclose the nature of dreams.
To date, the opinions of scholars are divided, some believe that dreaming is a physiological stimulation of the nerve, and we have dreams to coach different brain endings, others believe dreams are a psychological phenomenon, that we can use dreams to understand themselves and many of life's difficulties. Perhaps the truth lies somewhere in between.
Unlike Freud, who believed our dreams "Latent facet of our selves, researchers Alan Hobson and Robert McCarley in 1973, put forward his theory, which has denied many others and today is one of the most popular. Thanks to their research, they suggested that dreams are the result of chaotic electrical impulses in the brain, these impulses show us pictures of our past. In the dream, our mind is awake and trying to understand the flow of images of the past, which send impulses to him, and the mind begins to create stories, because the brain wants to understand what he experienced.

Personally, I can attribute to proponents of Freud, and I believe that dreams are not only a physiological basis, but also psychological. After all, our ancestors had not believed in vain dreams by certain signs and symbols that could help us to understand themselves, and prophetic dreams - into the future. To find the answer to all these characters, images and symbols that come to us in our dreams, we must be able to interact with the information that we receive.
Why do we forget to dream?
Most people after five minutes after waking up and not remember half of what they dreamed, and after 15 minutes, we all almost completely forgotten dream. Occurs so partly because the images that come to us in dreams are not clear, and remember them very difficult.
The second reason - the events of sleep are forgotten quickly, because they are never the same, but you know in everyday life most of the events and things we remember through association and repetition. For example, in a dream you dream something very strange and unusual phenomenon you with anything not synonymous, and to remember, you need to look at it again. It is not possible, because we can not see the dream again.
Remember dreams
Let's try to remember what we dreamed of. Maybe someone will do the task very quickly. Someone will need prodelyvat these recommendations several times. So, give yourself a night to remember to install something that you're going to see in a dream. Waking up, do not rush to jump out of bed, close your eyes and try to remember what happened in your mind before awakening.
If you managed to recall the dream - write it down. Begin with the fact that you seem most important: numbers, words, names and subjects. If you can not fully remember the dream, try to write the piece, or at least to describe his state during sleep that you experience - anxiety, joy, surprise, all these records will help you understand the information that you should have received a dream.
How to correctly perceive the information?
After waking up and remembering that we dreamed of, we immediately grabs his dream book and begin to seek the interpretation of dreamed events. It is very common interpretation of the incoherent and absurd. Immediately intertwined good and bad, sorrow and joy, etc. For some reason we tend to forget associations that are better than any dream book can help us decipher the hidden symbols and signs.
Before the start of the dream book simply analyze what information you received. Restless and responsible individuals, often have dreams in which they have something to lose - it's important or paper, or expensive things, or they lose their own children. Such dreams should not be taken literally, is a signal that we need to get rid of their own fears, too much hustle and emotion.
When one person loves another he can dream dreams, in which he has no time to jump on the train or the train, and his partner have time - in the end the doors are closed and the train leaves with a partner. Many woke up to perceive such a dream, like the impending separation and it is wrong. This dream in the first place indicates your insecurities and blind dependence on the second half.
In general, to understand their dreams and understand what they mean to keep a diary of dreams. Divide the list into three columns, the first record the dream, you can record your keywords and phrases specific to a clear point. In the second column, describe how you understand the dream and what do you expect. And in the third column you write down what happens in the near future. Ie to confirm your hypothesis or not. Over time you begin to accurately define what you mean this or that dreamed the event.
A dream that I had already seen
Recurring dreams of many not uncommon. Usually it is not very pleasant dreams, encouraging anxiety and fear for the future. Panic in such cases is not worth it. Repeating dream is a signal that you need, above all, to understand themselves, and such dreams indicate some unresolved problems.
The most important thing is not to program itself to such dreams. Very often we do before going to bed myself set up on the repetition of certain events. We have this dream telling friends he is constantly with us in the head. We are trying to understand what this dream in itself is why we dream repeatedly, etc. It is therefore not surprising that sleep is repeated again and again. As you resolve your problems, as well as how you get rid of fear, before the events that you dream of - such dreams no longer persecute you.
Most unpleasant dreams - is a nightmare, these dreams are directly linked with our psychological state. When a person is sick or going through a difficult period in life associated with material losses, moral and professional issues in this period it may be too strong for nightmares.
If you weigh the various disasters, hospitals, disabled people, predators, bloody scenes, insects that sting and bite - it could be a sign of illness. We all know our weaknesses, so seeing such a dream to take care of their health, be careful, for the opportunity to pass a comprehensive examination.
Sometimes we see our loved ones sick, very often, these dreams are dreams, when we were gnawing sense of guilt in relation to this man. To get rid of these dreams, you need to get rid of the feeling, which does not give us peace. Should either apologize to this man, if you really are guilty, or convince yourself that you should not have tormented.
Most of the unpleasant events that we see in a dream - it is our subconscious fears. And while we're afraid to fail an examination or have an accident - we will pursue similar dreams. Therefore, on the contrary, preferably before bedtime to provide a favorable outcome of events that evoke fear in you and fill it with these, positive thoughts.
Prophetic dreams
The nature of these dreams has not yet been studied. Bioenergy believe that information in a prophetic dream comes to a man from the noosphere. However, obtaining such information may not be everyone. We should not be confused with the usual prophetic dream a dream that you interpreted the dream book and got on real-life similarities with sleep events. Prophetic dream - it's when life is all in the same way as in a dream. If you dreamed that you were driving behind the wheel and crashed into a tree, and that is what happened after some time - it's a prophetic dream or prophetic.
But if you dreamed that you bitten by a snake, and read in the dream book that it could be some kind of trouble or illness, or the enemies, you will after some time, was convinced of this because at work colleagues, you planted a pig - a Sleep can not be considered prophetic. This dream is just to warn you of trouble, but exactly what it is, you do not know. It was a sign, symbol, and a prophetic dream in accuracy shows an event that should happen without any characters and symbols.
Why do we have dreams, and where it comes from us information - the unequivocal answer to this question. But it is obvious one - dreams help us to sort out their fears, warning of the dangers and diseases, and sometimes have a prophetic character. We only need to learn how to correctly perceive the information that we receive during sleep.