Are you a confident person, or easily lose the thread of conversation, hesitate, begin to gibber? If so, then you can show a potential employer or HR manager is not the best candidate for the vacant position. With this you can be a great technician. The trouble is only that you can not apply themselves properly. In the short time it can not be learned. Self-confidence is not a mask, it is closely connected with all your life. So if you are not pathologically self-confident and do not know how to talk, try to find work because his good friend, who if necessary will make you patronage. In the future employer will be able to see your indispensability. So your inability to carry on a conversation will not be perceived as a drawback.
But it is not always possible to resort to friends. You may find yourself in a situation where no one but yourself, can not help you. Hence, it is useful to turn to an expert - a psychologist. Experienced and qualified psychologist can help you gain confidence and learn to feel normal even in the most difficult situation. A job interview - the situation is very complicated. There are many pitfalls that are not too noticeable at first glance. For example, you can be a brilliant expert, know several languages, great looks, great to talk and to top it all off to have impeccable manners. And your employer or personnel manager can be a real loser who will do everything possible so that you were not hired. After all, few people want to constantly feel their inferiority, while the more talented subordinates.
What conclusions can we draw? Do I need to show themselves at their first meeting as best as possible? Or should we pretend to be a mediocre person, gray and inconspicuous, as the November day? That's it in order to answer this question does not show you too complicated, and there is a science as psychology. An experienced person can easily determine how to keep the conversation going, which side to show itself in the new location. So, suppose you meet a man dressed impeccably, his way to talk gives an imperious nature, accustomed to command. The design office you understand that income of the organization is very important. Your prospective employer quickly asking questions relating to various areas of your life - education, previous jobs, the reasons for recent layoffs. Also, the employer or his substitute, may ask about your living conditions (in which apartment you live, what is your marital status, whether you have children). How to behave in this case? Try to make possible a more favorable impression. Your boss or immediate employer, apparently confident person. So he would not want to surround themselves with losers. Answer all questions honestly, but deliberately exaggerate their own merits.

Do not tell me about yourself too much!
Try to seem more significant figure than it actually is. If hitherto you have always been on the sidelines, it may seem to the employer not the best circumstance. So that depict their direct responsibilities that you performed earlier, on the other side. Accentuate your initiative, responsibility, activity. But do not lie! Laurels of Baron Munchausen you absolutely nowhere. Sooner or later, the employer can verify who you really are. In other words, balance on a thin line between obscure the truth and vivid fancy. Try to talk about real life, doing everything possible to it (ie, reality) seemed brighter and more attractive than it might actually be. Be sure to mention all of your successes. For example, about your lucrative contracts, foreign trips and internships, your ability to quickly respond to complex situations that occur from time to time in any organization. If an employer asks about your personal life, about living conditions, and answer as clearly and concisely.
If you are asked various questions about your life, you can indulge in such extreme - details of the house, about family, about the success of children, a spouse. Or even show pictures that carry. Of course, the employer may make it appear that it is all very interesting. But in fact such information is entirely unnecessary. The employer may decide that you are extremely talkative person. And even if you're hired, you will get a view not the best. In short, always follow the golden mean. Try to talk more about the work, not "spread the idea of the tree" when discussing personal issues, real estate prices and rising inflation. Adore Certain people speak their diseases diseases and my children. Do not be misleading with a sympathetic view of your contact. In fact, your illness may be interested only in the doctor. Employer or manager of HR, such information can only be alerted.
Organization unprofitable workers who will be a few times a month to go on sick leave due to own illness or illness of children. On the contrary, say in the interview that're extremely rare (of course, can always get sick). But on the first business meeting it is better not to scare your boss the opportunity. The same goes for your children. Reassure your buddy a message indicating that you have a grandmother, aunts, sisters and nephews, which if necessary will take care of your chadah while you work. It's like an employer much more than your question, how many times a month you can take off to reduce the child to the doctor.
Generally on the first business meeting, avoid issues such delicate areas as the possibility of shirking from work. Of course, you may be interested in whether you can take a couple of weeks at his own expense during the hot summer months, enough to soak up the sun in nature, as do the holiday, if you want to extend the holiday, etc. Of course, every manager understands that even the most diligent and hardworking staff from time to time wish to digress from the usual duties. But what may be an impression of a man who has not yet started work, and already going to rest? If you really want to get to this organization is better not to address such issues. Sooner or later you find out.
Some people do believe that the employer or his surrogate, pre-configured for them is not the best way. This confidence makes react badly to the most innocent questions, look for the catch in any word. Of course, this opinion is based largely on self-doubt, the presence of latent complexes. In fact, manager, or his surrogate, simply can not afford to treat with any emotional coloring all who come to the interview . After all candidates for one or more vacancies may be any number. If each treated well or, conversely, bad, it takes too much emotional energy. Therefore, as a rule, the person conducting the interview, totally indifferent to treat those who came for the first time.
So it is not necessary in his eyes or his voice to look ill, dryness, contempt, and other qualities. Over time, ill will, of course, can occur. But for this you have to prove itself is not the best way. A first meeting is unlikely you will allow it. Talk with your employer emphasized courtesy, as if you were talking with coryphaeus science, the owner of a gray beard and a few degrees. Do not be tempted to switch to slang or youth slang. Interview - clearly not the case, to show the "shirt-guy". However, a little humor obviously does not hurt. Correct joke perfectly defuse the tense atmosphere. But do not pull jokes, if you are not sure of his thinking and flexibility in how it will be greeted by your counterpart.