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Intimate relationship in marriage

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Intimate relationship in marriage

Harmony in marriage requires harmony in relationships. And not a primitive schema matching keys to the castle, which I once read in strong indignation in one of the children (!) Books "about it, but of harmony, which involves the desire to give and receive the full range of emotions and feelings are always specific and maloopredelyaemuyu words, its for each pair. It should be said about the validity of judgments that the ideal is unattainable, but it should work. That's about striving for this and should think about. You can safely say that any pair sooner or later experiencing decreased sexual appetite, and this is understandable. Can not live forever in a state of honeymoon, but you may need to try to give each other pleasure, including in sexual intercourse.

But if there is a significant difference in the temperaments of spouses, do not close our eyes and pretend that anything like that. All people are unique and it is understandable that you are with a partner should not be all alike, like twins. In the resolution of family problems, including a sexual nature, there is no more useful and trouble-free means, what spiritual conversation. So, take precautions against an imminent disappointment in a partner who is not going to meet you in your sexual fantasies. Very bad when the wife goes to the proximity only for her husband, to no good it will not. Feelings of guilt or fear of failure - not the best prerequisites for a harmonious sex.

Sometimes his wife with mixed success in cheating husbands, emitting feigned groans, and thinking about something abstract. But do they often just to not offend her husband. As a result of obtaining sexual gratification is a pipe dream, but sex is not enjoyable - absolutely useless. It is important to distinguish sexual desire from the emotional need for love. This does not mean that sex is not important. Important, and how. Nevertheless, especially intimate relationships can not satisfy the need for love.
Intimate relationships in marriage are improving, when men and women speak the same language. A sexual problem is almost always start with the emotional needs are not satisfied. Of course, the honeymoon can not last a lifetime. But somehow the men quickly forget that during the honeymoon, they not only had sex, but also gave LOVE at this time. All this talk about the erogenous zones, incentives, than love a woman, and so on - no more than attempts to uncover the secret of Punchinello. And the secret of this simple, or rather several of them. It's all in defense of women who constantly tell us how to please the man.

First, every woman wanted to know why it was her duty - by all means indulge him? And if she disliked some things, or she is not ready for them, where you can read how to convince ourselves that it is she likes! "One of my friend could not adjust to the sexual desires of her husband." How do you phrase this? Where is the love? Or a hint of sexual attraction to her husband? If the price of a successful marriage - imitation of ecstasy in places where women do not experience it, it is called sexual abuse. "He was always initiated intimacy, and she, unfortunately, all the time was not ready for it. What a headache, then tired, well, as in bad jokes. As a result, the pair actually split up. Male ceased to demand from my wife "carnal" pleasures and began searching for them on the side. But his wife left bemoan their fate in splendid isolation. " What is she crying, may I ask? Is it only from the lost illusions. Should cry to him, because he realized that he stopped loving.

Dear men and women " affair in a marriage needs both. What a nonsense that a woman "does not want." Want, if love, but probably not as you suggest it to her. Not in the sense of "technology", but generally not the case, initially! Yes, we suffer from education, we are not taught to nymphomaniacs. It is assumed that a decent girl should not be sexually preoccupied, and "concern" about our shovels suitors rejected as "flawed." True? Yet what is true, yet what a cruel and unfair though. So learn to enjoy it the same vicinity, find out what she needed to take a force.

Desirable as well, so that no one insisted on sex. There is - well, well, not - have fun in another way. The main thing - not to make a sex cult. Fear of defeat hurts of sexual desire and men at a young age. What's really nothing to talk about the old ... It is clear that in many ways self-awareness of man as man depends on his wife. Tactless spouse is able to save her husband from the sexual desires in a word, a clever wife and husband from temporary setbacks do not make a tragedy. And one of the main conditions of male longevity is an atmosphere of kindness and understanding, the reigning family.

Help to understand each other you can Questionnaire American authors. Respond to it better together without embarrassment and haste. Only then can you understand what the partner wants and what he lacks in your relationship. And one more thing "but": answering questions, speak every man for himself. So, proceed.

● What do you like in bed?

● What you do not like, or what you are missing?

● The things you could never say before;

● What would you like, but what you never dared to ask;

● your sexual fantasies, especially those that can be enjoyed together;

● What can cause a rush you sexy?

● your needs and wishes in relation to hygiene;

● What are you some pall?

● When the situations in which you do not want to make love?

● Try to guess what pleases your partner

Discussion of these issues can be clarified in your intimate relationships. Maybe you'll find that no particular problems for both of you do not.

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