Invasion of personal space
A very efficient way of controlling men - the invasion of personal space . This method is suitable manipulation in those cases where you want to ask about something in a man with whom you do not have intimate relationships. Briefly describe how this method of manipulation works. In humans, there is an intimate area (about 50cm diameter), entrance to which, under the rules of etiquette, allowed only the closest people. We tend to deal with a stranger at a distance of 50-70cm, trying not to invade his personal space, as this may cause a negative reaction from his side.
It is quite another thing if a stranger is a member of the opposite sex. Then the invasion of his personal space may please him, cause positive emotions. Ability to competently enter into an intimate zone buddy can help you in managing men. Do not immediately approach the man on the "dangerous" distance, you need to do it slowly, gradually, during a conversation reducing the distance between you. To your invasion of personal space men caused positive emotions, you must remember that at a short distance you can catch even the slightest unpleasant nuances.
They, in turn, could spoil the experience, and your buddy a desire to quickly end the conversation. Under the unpleasant nuances mean unpleasant smells and sounds. Remember, at close range your partner feel your breath, so take care of its freshness. Also produce an unfavorable impression of sharp smell of sweat or perfume. The smell should be mild, barely distinguishable. As for sounds, then reduce the distance between you and your partner, you need to lower the tone and loudness of your voice: a high voice has a negative impact on people.
Invasion of personal space interlocutor can be more effective if you touch him. This touch should not be rude and too long. This can be easily stroked, barely perceptible man. When choosing the contact area be careful not to touch the exposed areas of the body - face or hands. Naturally, the zone "below the belt" is a taboo - or you simply misunderstood. At your disposal shoulders, forearms and chest area. Also, you can pretend that you want to correct some flaw in the clothing of your interlocutor, for example, to improve the lapel of his jacket and tie. These actions can enhance the effect produced, and even to introduce a man into a stupor - now it's in your hands.

Invading personal space, you should not be overly active. For example, should not be used for various types of touch - just enough of one, and should not do it too long, otherwise you can cause some discomfort. Enough at the beginning of the conversation a little "play" with a man and during the conversation his vigilance will be put to sleep.