Is it easy to be happy?
The answer to the question of title of the article I found in Seneca. It was easy to be happy, although life in those days was much more difficult - in fact it was valued cheaply, it was not easy to survive, how can there be happiness? War, disease, intrigues, palace coups, all this could easily take the life of any person. Why did Seneca was happy? What can we learn from him?
In his "moral messages" nephew Lutsiliyu Seneca wrote: "What is the difference as you live, if you feel that bad?". This question might ask each person, for example: what difference, if your life is happy, if you think you are unhappy?
Give a man a car, apartment, cottage, money, family, children, friends, and hear from many that there is no happiness. Seneca on this issue cites Epicurus: "Well, I'll take a debt to Epicurus. "Many people accumulate wealth, have found no end of troubles, and other ills." So, what's the difference that a person has, he sees in the first place, why not, but it can always be an occasion for sadness.
Worldview in ancient times, and now - does not change: physical, mental, spiritual blessings, of course, pleased, happy but a man makes himself. Quickly and easily solves - I'm happy
Seneca set for ourselves this way: "unhappy, who finds himself happy." He turned out to feel the way he decided, and that bothers you?
I know there are talented people who are in any situation, able to be miserable, there are other, even in the difficulties and troubles feel happy. These others do as Seneca, for whom happiness is not a difficult target, but a way to journey through life.
What prevents happiness?
1.How rule, this belief is often unaware that put domestic ban on the possibility of being happy "in such circumstances, that's that." For example, bad weather, not in the mood, ran out of money, love, cigarettes .... Each person has their favorite circumstances where happiness is impossible. What do you have?
2. Negative emotional background. If "the world is hostile to" around "some villains," and all men ... ", and" all women ... ", it is not up to joy. As a rule, negative starts with generalizations - all, always! Perception of the world: I was very small and weak, the world is big and angry.
3. Low energy. Did not want his legs limp, thought not. In this state, more drawn to depression than happiness.
If you decide to be happy, to start this study.
Of course, many difficulties in life, but if the desire is, then learn to be happy is possible and necessary.
1. For happiness does not have to run it side by side, in you, just call demanding. Want to Happiness - Take in yourself!
2. Produce a good tone and emotional stability, it will help in difficult situations, not to fall into depression.
3. Treat your life with interest and curiosity. Trouble? Interestingly, both can handle, something to teach? Difficulty? I wonder what I would give it? Useful questions - good decision!
4. Produce a useful habit to a positive perception of the world. There are no mistakes, only lessons of life, and feedback. Life is a good teacher, and all good is not cheap. What do you want? Lesion there is a new opening in my life. Challenge! When all is well, everyone can be successful. And when hard? Handle only ones! So will choose myself! Circumstances have changed, they have not changed you. You can be successful and happy!
Seneca ended his letter Lutsiliyu any wise precept, such as this: "Never assume lucky one who depends on luck! If he is happy who came from outside, then selects the fragile support: it's the joy is gone. Just born out of itself is reliable and durable, it grows and remains with us until the end. "