Is it possible to simulate the body language?
In principle, simulate emotional states possible. Confirmation of this may be exceptionally talented and reliable game of famous actors, possessing the talent of reincarnation. Their game is so accurate, more realistic than the emotional manifestations they represent on behalf of the "hero" show or movie. But in any case, the control of the synthesized "emotion creates an imbalance with a true personal emotional state actor. It is not possible for a long time to control these states, there comes a time when physiologically the body is unable to cope with such an imitation of artificial emotion. Actors call such a state of "creative fatigue"! For the most accurate reproduction of emotional states actors simulate in your mind similar situations and experience them as the reality of his own face.
Is it possible to simulate the body language? to remember what poses, gestures and facial expressions correspond to certain emotional states and to apply them in appropriate situations. Does not work, we can not deceive ourselves. If you do not feel such fear, as if talent you do not mock the appropriate posture, gestures and facial expressions, you will give no sweat on the palms, the pupils of the eyes remain the same size, the facial skin will cheerfully pink, do not dry up the saliva in your mouth, do not change the voice. The mass of such manifestations do not match will be given emotional displays your true sostoyaniyu.Na this "imbalance" was built a special device known as the polygraph or lie detector! He compares the physiological manifestations of the body, and watching captures the emotional state of man, when clearly no coincidence emotions and physiological reactions, we can talk about the falsity of answers to such questions. Years of experience and passive surveillance armed us some understanding of the laws by which certain gestures, facial expressions and other manifestations of the inner correspond to the human condition.
We are at the household level are able to navigate and successfully read through emotional displays of others. Unveiled to the top of the palm associated with honesty, but when you cheat reveals his arms at the same time not saying the truth, the other "signals" will be given a nonverbal nature of the truth of his intentions. It can be narrowed pupils of the eyes, trying to look away to the side, raised an eyebrow curved corners of the mouth, sweat on the forehead or upper lip despite the cool weather. As a result, we do not believe him and start to praise their own intuition, that a miracle has saved you from fraud. In fact this intuition is understandable. Our experience in the perception of emotion lies in the subconscious, and our responses are automatic in nature, not requiring constant analysis. It all depends on the quality and quantity of experience, more experience, the more our perception. It is for this reason specifically trained person is able to more accurately and consciously to read the most subtle and not obvious manifestations of emotion.

In any beauty contest participants are taught specific body movements, postures, gestures and facial expressions, which are able to mimic the warmth, sincerity, sexuality. And our experience as viewers, assessors participating inevitably take into account and presented to us the skills of a "mimicry" and we unconsciously give some preference to the one more talented in this simulation. Even the actors with the most talented, can mimic the desired motion and facial expressions for a limited time, as soon physiological involuntary "signals" do not correspond to the true experiences of a person, it will issue no sincerity. For example, it is for these reasons, the "image-makers' demand that politicians not to use gestures and encouraged to limit the facial expression, so as not to give out their true motives and intentions. Mimicry often used to hide the truth, as it is more controllable and controlled by man. We are a friendly smile interlocutor nodded approvingly, concealing an attempt to conceal the truth of our intentions, but unfortunately our bodies own physiological "signs" reveals our hidden thoughts. Interviewee because of their emotional competence more or less accurately captures these non-verbal manifestations, trapping does not match the words and intentions. The study of facial expressions and some of its features is itself a science, and worthy of study. Possess such skill - it physiognomist.