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Is looking for a man on the side

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Is looking for a man on the side?

Now would be a simple listing of different aspects of life, namely - the transfer. If you start doing the analysis, it can be "drowned in controversy." Because at every given aspect of life can find a very simple recipe to resolve it - money, a lot of money. That lack of money does not allow a woman to have the image that wants to see her faithful husband or a friend. Touch on the theme here of lack of money means losing the idea immediately. Blame because there is still a man.

Consider the problem of one-sided look, look at the woman. What a man looks on the side?

Not a woman, a woman's body.

This means:

1.B sex woman behaves in a completely passively or actively takes courtship, affection, and other actions. But it was - take. But she does nothing. To put it bluntly and plainly, this behavior can be called so, women are permitted to use his body. So it turns out - not a woman, a woman's body.
2.Na vacation woman rests, often without showing any initiative. Mol, the man on it and men to organize leisure women. Who would argue ... But it something completely different story. In the position of taking the attention, the woman is likened to mere body. (And there is "alive", because there somewhere? "You just need to find a better man and sent in his thoughts in search not of the female body, but the women).

3.In the communion stupid woman shows off her mind, while his clever not over-emphasize. Externally, foolish woman has some sort of a mystery. A female fool (that is - stupid, but trying to seem smart, or clever, but protrude their intellect) - this is not a woman, not a riddle, a wise woman's body.

4.Kogda near elastic and a hot woman's body is certainly nice, but one is too boring. A man still needs a woman. With a capital letter. Not only for body and soul. Conclusion: man seeking woman

No girlfriend, and a homemaker.

1.B households, men, as more lazy and less hardy, often succumb to domestic duties. Woman as more responsible and take care of all the joint household. As a result, men suffer from lack of girlfriends, but due to his laziness to share concerns unwilling. But in other random encounters (at work, among friends, but just in dreams!) Image of a woman he sees a cheerful and carefree. Here we have what we have ...

2.Sovremennaya informatics (the TV in the first place) takes all the free time. And most importantly - kills initiative and sensuality. The woman - a beauty, charm, coquetry, sly glance, melodious voice, a beautiful dance, at last! But in the current informative life on it has neither the time nor the ability nor the desire. Remained a housewife ...

3.Vsem need a weasel. Children. Women. Well as men. Tousle his hair. At the moment, pressed her cheek. Inadvertently hug his neck. Run hand in his pocket (ouch! where is it?). That is like, plus a kind word and gentle women's views, nevertheless, necessary. And how to become a woman friend, how to make a tender gesture, when after work, tired - but we have to make a quick kitchen affairs? But at the same time pious sits and waits at the TV. Hungry! - Durilka ... And do not dotyaneshsya to his hand! In the same way in reverse - not to reach out a hand to the female roundness, to provide a sign of attention. How to be a man? That stand up from a chair? So it turns out, not a friend, and homemaker. What we have, then we have ... more conclusion: man seeking girlfriend. This is not selfishness. This - statement of facts with sadness.

That can provoke eye "left"?

Physical health. Here's an example. Of life. Once at the lake a festival of amateur art song. This is also called a bard. On the shore of the lake. This means that the comfort level is defined as follows: placement in the field. At such festivals are coming writers and artists of songs with a guitar, just the tourists who just sing the same songs. Sometimes come to join the interesting and new ordinary urban residents. Come, listen, hang out and go home for the night.

Great! As a supporter of this line in the song, and this pastime think that this way of life for some people makes it possible to express themselves, find friends and in general - is a useful and proper direction in life. But here's an example. Came another machine average comfort level (a new "nine"), from it came a group of decently dressed people aged about thirty years. Three men and one woman. Drove them, I suppose, from the city, somewhere within an hour. On their clothing was immediately evident that this is typical of urban residents. Dress code, no campfire supplies and their conduct has said that they had come to such an action for the first time. All got out and stood up a tight group, with interest looking around.

(Note: It is an event occurs!)

Here is one of them who came from behind the wheel after a couple of minutes took from the trunk of a folding chair, held it to his companion, placed a chair next to her and said: "Sit down and rest." Can you imagine an hour, maybe a half they were in the car. The woman, in appearance, not classified as patients. Rather, the category of those who vied for the care and render courtesies. So, the sign of the attention in this case was a chair. And the phrase - sit down and rest. Relax! Just passed an hour sitting on a soft seat! And then just need a little walk, jump, stretch their legs.

What do you think, what was the reaction of this young, healthy woman in sight after hours of sitting on a soft seat? Try to guess. Maybe she protested, because he treated her like an old lady? Yes, did not express! - She sat down! (...?) Three young men stand side by side and turning his head from side to side. And she, slim figure, his hands resting on the armrests, as with curiosity looked at the sides, but with a lower horizon. Already in a sitting position!

Arise, my love! At least, will continue to be seen! This has already arrived "body." Which in thirty years has something of himself and is provocative in terms of sexual desires - a young, long, healthy. But in forty years, this woman will have to spend money on cosmetics, expensive clothes and jewelry, because her body from a permanent seat in the chair will lose shape and firmness. Ornaments will be essential. Lack of forms to hide. But, more importantly, why should high levels of libido, when starting any health problems? And as to them, the problems do not occur if the provocation of "sit down, rest," the woman, instead of slapping a provocateur, sits down and dies in the chair?

"Sermyazhnaya truth" is to mock the phrase - "a spouse should be elastic. And then the guy starts glances to the side. Not accidentally dancers and athletes, the ones that "move" attract the male gaze. And yet, by the way, about the dance. There is nothing more beautiful in the world of horse at full gallop, a frigate under full sail and women in dance. Remember this, friends!
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