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Is there a meaning to life

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Is there a meaning to life?

People are born, meet, marry, reproduce, grow old and die. If you ask people - what is the meaning of your life as you think he will say to you? Nothing. As a general rule, anything meaningful. But sometimes the question arises, and he just does not go away. Why live? All live. There is a subtlety - all live in different ways. The animal existence - it is also life, but life with meaning is quite different. What?

Do people of faith have no questions, their sense of life - to serve God, but what else can be higher? We believe in ourselves, reason, science, must be also something something big, for what do the rest. Every man has his biggest and most important, for example, the discovery of new laws, collecting stamps, child rearing, establishment of new sports records, career, earning money. All these activities can bring meaning to life, but can not bring.

For example, if you just drag on the mountain rocks, bathed in sweat and suffering, then this session for your life has no meaning. But if you drag on the mountain rocks, sweat, suffer, it is understood that to build the house, then such work makes life meaningful. It can therefore be stated thus: the meaning of life gives a person a subjective attitude to their activities, the same things can be perceived totally differently.

One Zen monk was asked: 
- What did you do before you come upon the Zen? 
- Chopping wood, carried water. 
- What are you doing now after the apprehension? 
- Kohl wood, carry water.
But the presence of meaning in life is guaranteed whether you are fulfilling their mission, that unique and the biggest thing you can give people? 

Mission and purpose of life united by one thing - that's why you live. However, there is a significant difference.The meaning of many people's lives - meeting their personal interests. Mission always goes beyond self-interest.

For someone building their own home is very important and is the meaning of life. For the other person is not a personal interest in any building, but he knows that people need to build the temple, and it does so by understanding the construction of the temple as its mission. That people will remain after one and after that another human being?

Life could be called intelligent, if each of us knows its mission and relentlessly follows it, it seeks to benefit others, to their needs, needs. 

Ways to implement its mission in a meaningful life can be different. For example, a great surgeon, NM Amosov.His mission - to care for the sick and healthy people. Way to implement - heart surgery, surgery, promoting healthy lifestyles, which, undoubtedly, the people need. Thousands of lives saved that confirmation, so you can tell - the meaning in life NA Amosova was.

And what is your mission? What is the meaning of life? I propose to reflect and answer the questions. Can you formulate a mission - something unique and the most that you can give to people? That gives meaning to your life?

Is there any case - what you do for people who are doing cool, and people really need? If the business you are doing badly, badly, let it to others who make this thing better. This - none of your business. And what if yours?

After a fair and thorough answers to these questions there is a chance to understand their mission and a personal sense of life to its end did not have to draw the conclusion: "All my life I have been rubbish. Take that, God, back to his likeness.

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