It is not necessary to pour their grief with wine
"Let us drink from grief, where is the circle, the heart will be fun!" And really, you think, why should soothe the nerves of valerian or motherwort when you can glam sipping trendy cocktails or sweet wine? People have long known that truth is born in dispute, but many of the girls after a gap persists in looking for it in wine. Why? A glass of Mojito does not return your boyfriend and fight will not solve your problems. And even ten liters of champagne will not help you through this difficult period. Moreover, the principle of hussars drunk with grief you can add many new challenges. Do not fill my sorrow with wine.
In this on their own experience could see my friend Vera. It all started pretty well: she was sitting alone at home, read Hemingway and not even thought of the former. Peering into the refrigerator, she found a bottle of champagne and having nothing to do decided to drink a little. Ran to a neighbor with a request to uncork a bottle of Vera comfortably on the sofa and began to drink sparkling wine. Time passed unnoticed. First, for a book and then a reality TV show "House 2" bottle quietly came to an end. Vera ran for a second. The neighbor did not refuse help to open up, but it looked accusingly. Another two glasses later, Faith was drawn to the exploits. She took the bottle and went to the former "a serious discussion." Unfortunately, serious discussion took place, but what he was, Vera still do not remember, but I remember that third bottle of champagne she was trying to open itself and that the ejected tube broke her doroguschy chandelier in the living room.

Morality is simple! In a state of mild / medium / high (underline) drunk on us too often, "condescends inspiration". Being podshofe, girls often remember what they wanted to say "this scoundrel, my former". Or, alternatively, decide that the sea they already knee-deep, and thus renew the collapsed relationship they now "piece of cake." Some are drunk become dangerously aggressive. In short, the response to alcohol at all different, but the consequences are usually the same ... poor. At best, only for you ...
Spoil yourself!
It is obvious that for all their efforts and suffering you deserve a reward. So, here are some classic hedonistic joy that you are now vital. Fragrant bath. Fill it with foam and aromatic salt. Light a candle. Turn on relaxing music, such as album Enigma. Fill a glass of chilled champagne. Put a number plate with fruit, coffee and ice cream. Dedicate this pleasure at least an hour.
Shopping therapy. Traditional women's cure for all ills in the world. Take a walk around the shops. Trying anything you like. Kept going, write down the prices. Deliberately choose a new thing that will bring you maximum pleasure. Just do not grab everything. This is not the shopping therapy, and most natural shopogolizm! Purchases must be spontaneously elaborate. "How?" - You'll be surprised. A very simple! Suppose you during his cross-store campaigns ran into ink by Yves Saint Laurent, twice as expensive as your usual, and felt an urge to buy it. Excellent. Now get away from this boutique out. After wandering on the other stores and think: do you really bring it joy? Or better still stop the election of a new perfume? In short, merchandised with the mind!
Gourmet evening. Food - one of the most exquisite pleasures. Enjoy it. But again does not thoughtlessly. Why fill the stomach harmful fatty donuts, which together with a minute pleasure will bring you new weight and pimples, then get rid of which have for months. Better prepare seafood, meat (such as veal with pineapple), an exotic salad. I bet you're rarely satisfied with themselves a feast, but it is not only tasty, but good! So what works. In the compulsory program of parting with her beloved is at least one week Epicurean way of life! You're not going to take time off?
Wake up the hormones of joy! "
A girl after breaking up - is like an athlete before the Olympics: in dire need of dope! But if alcohol is banned, then what can help the body to gain the necessary mental and physical strength and thus undergo doping control? What tools are legal? Drink sedatives and antidepressants, of course, fashionable, but bad! Magazines and newspapers that advertise such "happiness pills", as a rule, for some reason neglect to mention that they all have a lot of side effects. Psychotropic drugs ruined a lot of Hollywood stars - from Judy Garland to Marilyn Monroe.
What to do? Your task at this stage - to awaken joy hormones. Your body should start producing natural antidepressants. Eat chocolate (only in moderation), fruit (can be in unlimited quantities). Acquire an orange flavor oil. It not only smells amazing, but also instantly lifts the mood. Such oil can be added to any of your creams. You can light a lamp or an aromatic aroma locket to wear. Smell of orange affect parts of the brain responsible for the prevention of depression. In addition, it promotes weight loss and the disappearance of cellulite. Try to visit more often in the sun. Ultraviolet rays instantly cheer up and give optimism. Light exercise - dancing, swimming - will also improve your state of mind.