It is not necessary to provoke a favorite!
You have decided to test how committed you are your partner and whether he falls under the spell of another woman. Your best friend offered to help you with this. Do not rush to resort to its help, you can not know what's on her mind. Plan is simple: best friend, under your close supervision, would be alone with your young man and tries to seduce him. If he loves you, do not succumb to all her tricks. Even if all planned perfectly and your girlfriend swears in its impartiality, it is impossible to be confident in the objectivity of the result.
Suppose, he resisted and did not succumb to the charm. Does this mean that he should continue to trust unconditionally, and he is not capable of treason? It is possible that your friend is just not his taste, or she did not have enough acting talent to entice your vote. Maybe he just realized that it is checked, - men like women's scent on the tricks, so he deliberately portrayed touchy and a true lover, whose heart belongs to another.
And if he succumbed to temptation, whether it be an absolute reason for breaking off relations? Are you sure that your girlfriend is acting exactly according to instructions? Maybe it is overdone, the temptation to use illegal methods, against which few men can resist. Is it honestly and impartially when he says that your boyfriend he was the initiator of the kiss, for which you found them. It is not excluded that a month after your break, you will learn that your girlfriend and ex-boyfriend meet. It may be that she has long been indifferent to him and just waited for the right moment. It turns out that you yourself gave her trophy in hand.

Sometimes a friend seeks to destroy your relationship with envy - you are too perfect couple, and she had long been deserted. Or your girlfriend, your boyfriend seduces Heartbreakers sheer sport, so to speak, to maintain the prestige, not to make you hurt. Therefore, to test her lover's try not to resort to the help of your friends. Female friendship - a relative term. Today, your friend offers to check your favorite on the strength, and tomorrow she seduces him - and you are left alone. Therefore, it is not necessary to provoke a favorite! Of course, do not immediately get rid of all her friends, seeing them as dangerous rivals. The more so, going to the discharge of your enemies, they become even more dangerous. You just need to keep them away from your beloved, just in case. And always present at their meetings, do not leave alone, and in no case do girlfriend, a magistrate of your relationship.