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It strengthens the psyche and nervous system

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It strengthens the psyche and nervous system
Unfortunately, stress is slowly but surely destroying our lives. Each of us in his own way solve the problem of a bad mood or failure of the day - someone taking an antidepressant, someone looking for comfort, bearing strong drinks, and someone tries to calm himself smokes and strong coffee. All these so-called "medicine" from the stress really does not help, but rather further damages the nervous system.

Resort to this kind of therapy is possible only when you need one-time assistance or momentary comfort, but it should not take coffee, cigarettes and alcohol as a panacea for stress. These helpers do not solve the problem, but make a person dependent on themselves very quickly. Now came the mass of fashionable ways to be rid of depression and bad mood - it massages, training, relaxing baths, hypnosis.

No one argues that these methods are effective, but, like cigarettes and coffee, they have a short-lived results. While you are visiting massage you like a good and quiet, it no longer - you are again plagued by anxiety and melancholy. This happens because you get rid of the consequences, but not the cause. And the reason - it is an unstable nervous system, and you need to heal and strengthen.

How to strengthen the nervous system?

Japanese scientist Katsudzo Nishi said that if a person sleeps on a firm bed, fed natural food, regularly douche and there are many in the open air, he has no problems with mental health problems. The system, developed by Katsudzo are laws of nature, and there is nothing complicated. And carry it to many of us it is difficult only because we are accustomed to negativity, irritation with or without cause, and junk food. We are extremely difficult to abandon it all and suddenly start to live in harmony with your body and nature. Nishi said that following his system, people can easily maintain health for many years.

Why do people die? Because he thinks - say biologists, and the important role played by the fact that it thinks people! Therefore, as long as possible to maintain mental health chase away bad thoughts! Start your day with a smile! Stand in front of the mirror and remember what a nice thing, event, recent joke - all that will certainly lift your spirits! Smile at yourself and think about what your day is sure to go well.

If, however, in spite of your positive attitude, your day started is not the way you planned, and you feel that your anger is growing, try to cope with the negative by a "hidden gym." Pull the shoulders back a few times, turn your head over your left shoulder and mentally spend a glance from your heel up the leg, and then from the coccyx to the neck. Then do the same thing, turning his head over his right shoulder. Then lift up on your toes and drop to your heels, do so several times. Spread the shoulders, straighten your back, you can not believe it, but this gym as a hand remove your stress and anger.

Learn how to "pull together"

I guess you noticed that people with strong nerves are practically no stress. Such a person simply knows how to keep a lid on their emotions and not to waste on trifles their nerves. Experienced physiologist H. Selye believed that any person can learn self-control. According to him, before bursting into combat, faced with a difficult situation, you should carefully analyze it and think: is it worth fighting? If you aspire to harmonious relations with others, avoid contact with people scandalous and unbalanced.

If you understand that you will be some unpleasant event, and to avoid it can not be better as soon as possible to resolve all issues associated with this event. Postponing it indefinitely will only aggravate your depressed state. If you have once again defeated, do not let gloomy thoughts to master all your mind. Fight, replacing bad memories pleasant - remember their achievements and victories. Thus, you can restore your faith in our strength, and this man needs for future victories.

Try to sharpen its focus on the positive moments of life, and vice versa is abstracted from a negative. Smile more and laugh, watching comedy, attend entertainment portals, it happens more often where you are comfortable and fun. Humor is the strongest weapon against the blues and troubles. Perfectly relaxes and calms the water, so by the opportunity to attend a swimming pool, and if this is not possible, then regularly take a contrast shower.

Healthy Sleep

Deep sleep - a source of energy and health. During sleep the rest not only our bodies but our minds, which gives us no rest and continually exaggerate. In the dream, replacing aware that attempts to analyze any event, relying on the iron logic, comes to the subconscious. It is an optimist and coiner, to any problem your subconscious mind will suit creative!

Subconscious mind is much easier to cope with any, even the most difficult problem than the mind. After all, our mind tries to solve every problem from personal experience, it only believes in what he knows and what can "feel". And contrary to the subconscious no restrictions, it is a great feeling, surrounded by the unknown! Many poets and artists see their works in our dreams, and then implement them and this is also the work of the subconscious! Mendeleev also made his discovery in a dream! Remember the proverb - "sleep on it, the problem need to" sleep "!

If the disturbing events do not give you fall asleep, then try a very effective method of relaxation, which advises the British gerontologist Justine Glass. Go to bed, then mentally inspect themselves from head to toe, while saying to myself: All my muscles are relaxed, I did not think about anything, I really want to sleep, I sleep. Now it is very important to take the correct posture for deep sleep.

To do this, turn on the right side, left leg bent at the knee and the right pull. In this posture of the spine relieves stress, relaxes back muscles, and soon there comes a deep, prolonged sleep. Struggling with adversity and stress, remember one thing - there are no hopeless situations, there are situations in which a person sees no way out! Strengthening its nervous system and psyche, gradually you will learn to see out of any existing problems.

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