Jewellery and fashion clothing for the secrets of numerology
Fashion - capricious lady, though, but to surround themselves with symbols and signs of love. Did you know that symbolizes the fashionable nowadays cell, ethnic ornaments and embroidery on the clothes? No? Then it's time to talk about characters with whom we have met every day.
This summer, designers are scattered pea on all skirts and dresses, to add black-and-white and colored cells in severe business suits, and generally began to study geometry. Science, this ancient (it appeared a few centuries before our era), but these symbols of our ancestors began to use even before the appearance of any laws and theorems. If we look at the plaid fabric, we can see that this pattern, which consists of a set of crosses. And it was the cross - the most revered symbol of today's time, most holy and sacred mystery to many believers. In primitive times the cross symbolized safety, because it meant the crossed arms hunters.
Most surviving pre-Christian era costumes made it out of plaid fabric. This is equally true of the western and the eastern attire. The same thing we see now: the cell "settled" on school uniforms children, evening dresses models and even in office attire for men and women. Incidentally, in many countries, plaid shirts are work clothes. Cross defends, protects and gives confidence.
This symbol of love, not only believers, but many ladies. Jewelry in the form of a cross worn by millions of people around the world. Without thinking about the meaning of this ancient symbol, they subconsciously chose him. In ancient times, each ornament was given a special meaning. Any trinket around his neck could tell about the man than his whole appearance. It is today we are buying something or other decoration, choose your favorite fabric and do not assume that every detail of the new purchase bears some semantic meaning ...
So fashionable now image Scandinavian runes can be found in the interior design and decoration of dresses and ornaments. And yet few people realize that the ancient Scandinavians used these signs in many secret (not always bright!) Rites. Innocent images can denote guidance of damage or even curse. In those days the runes were used not only to protect but also to attack enemies. Ten years ago we used to joke on those who wear T-shirts with inscriptions in a foreign language: "You do not know what is written there?" What if this character means that you're a fool? " With the runes do not to laugh, because we are dealing with the magic of the ancient world. Designers can simply appeal to a particular sign, and here he is on the thousands of miles of fabric. If we are to choose the magic of the north, first to find information on the runic characters.
The same applies to the Egyptian and the African, and Hindu symbols. In pursuit of the exotic is always a probability of selecting an adverse sign. And well, if this character will mean something easy and safe, and if not? Someone, of course, retort: any character will act only when its effectiveness believe. All this is correct, but history is replete with examples where a sign in itself does not take any bad information, acquired a very negative connotation. The most famous of them, this is probably the swastika.
Swastika used for a long time. Archaeological findings from a cross with curved ends date back 25-23 thousand years BC (!). At all times throughout the Earth swastika symbolizes the sun, fertility and happiness. The swastika represents "Yin" and "Yang", good and evil, heaven and earth, life and death. It was used as a decorative element in the temples and churches. Swastika can be found on the old Orthodox icons. Our ancestors decorated her household items, used it in construction and embroidery. Many people have not abandoned this character even after he became regarded as part of fascism. In India and South Korea without the swastika is a part of a wedding in our own country, the symbol hate and despise. Choosing clothes and interior in oriental style, you must be very careful, because even the inconspicuous embroidery can lead to irreversible consequences.
We return to the geometry: in this season's fashion wavy line. And this is one of the most ancient symbols. Horizontal wave symbolizes water, fluidity, flexibility and suppleness. The vertical spoke of the spiritual growth and prosperity. Gnostic tradition, confer a wave of very positive features. It is believed that it brings health and helps to get rid of all unnecessary. Here it should pay tribute to fashion designers - with a wave and can even be friends. By the way, marine style is to be welcomed. Feel free to choose the "wavy" clothing and jewelry - be on the crest of the wave.
If you're used to rush, you do not have 24 hours a day, and generally life seems too busy, surround yourself with horizontal lines. They will help you get rid of the problems is set to positive mood and become your little meditation. If every day you do not feel anything except tired, add your clothes and the environment of vertical wavy lines.
Among other positive character would like to mention five-pointed star. A star is considered a very auspicious symbol, therefore necessarily give you a good mood and star status. Asterisks may be tissue or earrings - anywhere they will be welcome. Symbols around us, we do them either do not notice or do not attach importance to them. Take today's march to the job search a wide variety of characters, I assure you, you'll find them in large numbers. One need only look at the clothes buddy, signs and emblems of firms.