Connection. Favorable aspects: healing, success in business, trade, profit and an increase in the state; favor of influential, powerful people, new friends, increase professionalism, promotion, promotion, good for engagement, wedding, weddings, births among women. When damaged Jupiter serious but harmless disease in accordance with the position of Jupiter in the Radix. Balances and regulates organic functions of the senses (and the ability to concentrate). Foster's devotion, comfort, wealth, ambition and family. Social joy, honor. Allows you to enjoy good health care. Comfort, good living conditions, etc. combine to positively affect human health. Foster's liver function and blood also indicates that some treatment procedures such as blood transfusions and the like, in case of serious illness, particularly abortion.
Unfavorable aspects. Professional or social care. Unfortunate changes in life due to family difficulties. Hampers the growth of wealth, prosperity. Trouble from the authorities looking for compliance with the law. Indicates a hazard to human health because of excesses and abuses of comfort. Possible liver disease or circulation. A person can find a doctor whose treatment is not consistent with its status. A doctor can make a mistake diagnosis. Can also note the expensive treatment. Extravagance, the cost of the friends, because of violations of the law, attorneys' fees and other costs. If the damaged Radix Jupiter Mars, there may be a very serious illness with a fever or a fever.