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Just be yourself

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Just be yourself

Starting a new relationship with a man, we girls literally climb over backwards to show their best side. Always with the laying, elaborate costumes and makeup flawless, we play the role of the "ideal woman". Tried to be a queen in the living room, cooking in the kitchen and a prostitute in the bedroom. How risky for the relationship to abandon all of these quantities, and just be yourself ? Even the most ideal role, even the most beautiful mask is bad because sooner or later it becomes unbearable, and from beneath it begins to get out our true selves. No matter how hard you try to seem self perfection, sooner or later prokoleshsya. And then the notion of "ideal" is very subjective.

One man finds a perfect girl who does not frown, drank three liters of beer and actively root for "Spartacus" and the other prefers elegant and fashionable ladies. Learn and predict in advance what you want from the relationship with you and this particular man, is almost impossible. Of course, perfected in the name of love - a good thing. Suppose you want to show himself an excellent hostess and skilled cook, but it is your signature dish is still scrambled. Then you're going with the forces and learn something new: the meat in French, for example. Cool? Very cool! And by the way, do not be shy and lie: "Yes, that's nonsense, I'm still not know how to cook." Deception will be revealed very soon. After all, if in fact you do not bleschesh culinary delights, it can show up pretty quickly.
On the other hand, if you honestly say: "You know, I'm not really an expert in the kitchen, but especially for you can try to learn to cook something delicious, it will be very sweet and touching, and certainly make strong impression on him. Thus, much more risky to pretend to be the ideal woman than to be themselves. Indeed, any falsehood, sooner or later will reveal, and how to change his attitude to you after this is hard to say. So be yourself with all its merits, shortcomings and weaknesses, which is safer and smarter than to play.

My friend Irina Shcherbakova psychologist once told me great words that I remembered all his life: "What would be a fascinating score that you are neither invented for men, no matter what the subject or twisted, whatever role or example, sooner or later it all bored. Any strategy, even the most cunning, you can always guess and predict. Relationship - it's jazz. Improvise. Do today what you want to do. Do you want to weep - weep, laugh - laughing, you want sex - they are offended. Men love women alive and unpredictable, but not biologically advanced robots.
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