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Karmic diseases and their causes

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Karmic diseases and their causes
Astrologers and bioenergotherapist Believe That the Energy of the Human body Are very sensitive and the body Damaged First, before the physical body. Damage to the Power of the body Shell psychics See AS a kind of "hole" and "Spot". Then Their defect Affects the physical body primarily on the body, the Projection is "fit" in Energy "hole". No accident Specialists on bio-Energy and ministers of Religions in Different directions at First Say That Should "heal the Soul", and then heal the body. Folk wisdom emphasizes this relationship: "a healthy body - healthy Mind". Medicine confirms That a State of physical defect Affects the psyche and vice versa.

According to astrology, there Are two kinds of Damage to health: karma (Sent by the Cosmos for Our "Sins" in a Former life) and random (illness, injury, Accidents - Mostly Depending on the Image of Human life). Healthy aging should not bring suffering to man, as a normal stream climax that not all women have asymptomatic, nebespokoyaschim (note that men are also experiencing a period of wilting of sex hormones and related dysfunction of the body).

Karmic sickness or death is almost impossible to avoid, as they are programmed with the birth of the cosmos in the form of: a) physical punishment (a disease of the body, birth defects, health), 2) mental punishment (mental illness, dementia), and 3) pursuing us through the failure of a (bad choice of husband, intimate partner, etc.).

There is a perception that if a person does not fulfill its high purpose and does not tend to it, not improving themselves and not struggle with their harmful tendencies (drunk, whore, changes, etc.), Unnerving and putting stress of their loved ones , then at the next incarnation he will be in the role of victim, experiencing it for yourself.

Karmic Retribution May Have of Ourselves, and CAN Affect us through Our Children, When life Brings us through These series of Tests. There is an Old Assertion That the karma of the parents pay Often the Children. The disease CAN Develop from Poor lifestyle choices, over the body by Harmful Factors, stress. However, there diseases That Are Often astronomers refer to the true karma. This is Most Often skin diseases (eg psoriasis), and Brain Damage (cerebral palsy). Although These Same diseases CAN Not Develop on the karmic reasons, but on "purely" medical.

Thus, the Cause of psoriasis is Associated with three Factors: the Infectious, Neuro-Endocrine-Exchange and inheritance, Although IT recognizes "the Great Medical Encyclopedia," "etiology of psoriasis Remains unclear. Psoriasis Has Been known at the time of Hippocrates. Naturally, the karmic psoriasis is not treatable with antibiotics or (if this is not an infectious form, even though the psoriasis, according to the majority, non-communicable diseases), or gene therapy (for a hereditary form), no effect on metabolism . Karmic disease CAN drown, But the Accumulation of successive Sins She claimed the Ancient healers, Acute. And sin CAN accumulate Not Only Children Who Suffer from psoriasis, But Also Their parents.

To Get RID of the karmic Tests a person Should Develop the Will to Improve Himself, Especially intellectually, and spiritually (in AS HIS Power), to Have patience and be compassionate. The disease is Given to MAN AS a test, a karmic Death - as an opportunity for the new incarnation of a new improvement or correction of the personality, thought eastern wise men.

In life, there is ample evidence of this. Modern Medicine Has a "purely Scientific point of View" to explain These puzzles CAN Not. For Example, We know That in a State of hypnosis, people Are starting to Speak a Foreign language, Who Have Never studied, to tell Who They Were and WHERE They lived many years ago (long before the Formation of HIS physical body and Birth). And check the recent past is always the Same, and the Distant past is always simply Not Possible to Verify the Absence of a historical recording of the Facts narrated. In Psychiatry, the disease is known, When One person Appear simultaneously all of HIS Personality That He HAD Experienced in Their previous lives. Surprisingly, and inexplicably, That May Appear multilingual person, Which resembles closely spaced Broadcast on radio station. Orthodox Science to explain such CAN Facts Not, But We See IT AS AVAILABLE is astrology, Eastern philosophy and religion.

Karmic disease - is the result of our thinking, ie, diseases associated with the previous incarnation. We have our actions and thoughts have sown the seeds in a past life, which sprout during the present life. No reason not to happen, even colds. Many of the karmic diseases are associated with injuries, wounds of the body. For example, heart disease - a disease of karma, and it is associated with cardiac activity in a past life. This could be a stab wound, a heart surgery or heart transplant, road-traffic accident. Information etched and deposited in the mind and the mind, being one of the shells of the subtle body carries information in the next body.

Serious illness, as a rule, always have a reason. For example, lung disease, bronchiectasis, consumption, tuberculosis, asthma - a consequence of unhealthy lifestyles in the past incarnation, such as smoking, alcohol and drug addiction. Karmic diseases are associated with past human activity, for example, if the person worked at the hazardous industry, he has contracted an occupational disease, the next incarnation of his fast will break down the relevant authorities.

Serious gynecological disorders, impotence, prostate diseases confirm that in a past life man walked in the wake of his organs: stomach, tongue, genitals. Cancers arise in this life, too, as a consequence of our past life, is the result of meat-eating. Diabetes is also the result of the use of heavy kaphogennyh products, which include meat, fish, eggs. Poisons, which stuffed with the animal's body are deposited in the tissues of the body, mainly affects the stomach, 12 duodenum, the lower part of the colon, rectum.

By the karmic diseases and include myopia, and blindness and deafness, and loss of speech. Why children are born nearsighted, who is to blame in the fact that children who have managed to accomplish nothing wrong in this life suffer? The reason for looking at my past life. Myopia - a serious eye disease in a past life. For example: cataracts and glaucoma, cataract, and if the chain has to stretch to one life before, it turns out, people are constantly exposed to such emotions as anger and lust. Eye disease associated with dysfunction of the bodily fire, with immunosuppression. When angry, when my eyes fill with blood, suffering from optic nerve eyes, and with frequent and constant outbursts of anger optic nerve eyes beginning to wane and deteriorating eyesight, begins clouding of the eye lens and cataract grows.

Dumb and deaf in this life, people have had in a past life a head injury, brain damage associated with hearing, speech is disturbed by hearing loss. Head injury, concussion lead in the next birth to diseases such as epilepsy, epilepsy. All chronic diseases, which accumulated by the end of his life, become the cause of future disease, which will appear in the next life in the weakened parts of the body as energy channels are clogged with the birth.

Emotions that have ruled human activities in a past life remain, and since the beginning of life make such negative actions in the body, as the narrowing and dilation of blood vessels and easing digestion as a consequence, the toxins are beginning to enter the bloodstream at an early age, and when a person becomes mature, then the disease has already matured and manifested, disturbing the mind of man. Physical deformity - is also our desires, our passions, emotions, life, which was under the passion and ignorance.

What is karma? Karma, according to Vedic astrology - material activities for the sake of enjoying its fruits, as well as the consequences of such activities, "ie, ignorance of the law of God, this self-will in this world, man does not live by the laws of God and lives by the whims of your mind, as he pleases. In Vedic literature says that karma can change only the Almighty God, everything happens by the will of God. Every living creature has a program of life, where defined, and lifespan. Soul, has received a certain body, leaving him at the appointed time, and even a new heart will not make the soul stay longer in the body. If our life does not depend on the will of God, that all doctors would be cured of their patients. Make no mistake, when you think that a doctor saved you on their own. You have been sent to help God, then it was time yet to leave the body the soul. Higher forces are pushing you to the specific actions that you yourself have been able to cope with illness. All the divine scriptures tell us that we comply with the principle of nonviolence. Without harming any living being, you get the same attitude to themselves. Not only our actions but the words and thoughts are causing concern to other creatures.
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