Karmic horoscope past and future
Only on our site you have the opportunity to get the karmic horoscope, which will help you a glimpse into the past and find out who you were in a past life , who are present and who may be born in the future . Regardless of whether you believe in the existence of reincarnation or not, if you think about the possibility of its existence and try to learn more about it - this will expand your horizons. Howto : Fill out the form letters of the Russian alphabet, and then click the button below and follow the instructions.
Marat Alimzhanovich Basharov was born August 22, 1974. Prior to enter the Theater School. Schepkina Marat Basharov a year playing in the play "The Canterville Ghost" theater "Contemporary". During the study appeared in an episode in the film by Nikita Mikhalkov's "Burnt by the Sun." Then, after a hard contest, got the part closest friend cadet Tolstoy's "The Barber of Siberia". Virtually immediately after the shooting at the young actor was showered with offers.
Past, Present and Future Basharova Marat Alimzhanovicha
In a past life you were always in the spotlight, in the midst of the events, you are always surrounded by admirers and fans, you are never left alone, adore you and admire you, salute you, listen to your opinion and immediately fulfilled all your whims. In order to restore the balance in this life you will lose people's attention, you'll have a lot of time to carry out one thing: do not try to forcibly change the given order, still you can not do it. You must learn modesty and humility, that you lack.
You were born in 1579 in Persia, in a prosperous family. Have you had an older brother and younger sister, your family was very friendly and united, you are to the death to maintain cordial relations with their families, helped each other in difficult times.
Who were you in a past life:
Woman - you had a beautiful, clean and deep voice and you earn a living by singing, people listened to you with pleasure.
Your feelings in your past life:
You are loved - the night sky with stars, music, beauty of nature, my family.
You hate - lies, violence, coarse people.
You were afraid - of pain and suffering.
The main event of your life:
The first intervention, marriage, childbirth, an accident.
Your loved ones:
You were married in 1599, in 1602 and 1605 years you have had two sons. In 1609, your house is on fire and you're saving the children, themselves severely damaged by fire.
You died in 1610, among his close friends.
The reason of your death:
You died of multiple burns you suffered for a long time before death occurred.
What do you have left behind:
Disconsolate husband, small children, the ashes left over from home, brother, your family sheltered under its roof, sisters, nephews.
The level of development of the soul
Mature soul. The color of the soul - dark yellow.
Be a beacon of hope and for others, his own example shows that any of life's problems and troubles can be overcome, without falling into depression and anxiety. Be cheerful and teach others to look at life through the prism of optimism. You are able to influence other people trust you and listen to your advice. But in order for something to teach others, you yourself have a store of knowledge, so you must work on ourselves, to strive for harmony and strengthen the faith in their abilities. Your main advantage - the ability to appreciate what you have and do not waste your emotions and energy on petty trouble.
Karmic program
You must be wise in relation to others and considerate of other people's problems and concerns. It is not enough to love only their relatives and friends, you need to help everyone who asks for your help and need your participation. Working out your karmic problem will be finding the state of harmony of internal and external worlds, as well as in the comprehension of beauty. Your heart must be open to the sublime, for universal love. Your main task is to completely subjugate emotion to reason, just so you can open your heart and take the knowledge of the harmony of the world and its beauty. This will help you to certain professions, particularly medicine. It is such areas as therapy, neurology. Pay special attention to careers that are helping people to understand themselves - psychology, education, drug and alcohol abuse. Despite your interest in art and everything beautiful try not to do it professionally. Any kind of art has Egregore emotions and illusions, you will be hard to resist the temptation to bring in their own world negative illusory forms. Also, you should not stop your choice on professions related to the Science and Technology.
Following your arrival to Earth will occur on the territory of modern Russia, in its Asian part. You're a white male, years of your future life - 2353-2697. You will be engaged in science and will achieve great fame. Also, you can head for the mystical and create "an elixir of youth." People will look to you for help in the affairs of the heart. In the second half of life you lead the patriotic uprising of "east" against "the west". As a scientist, you will develop, and discover life-prolonging drugs and youth. In the second half of your life you build with like-minded religious building, and will preach the ancient knowledge. You will have many disciples and followers. Since you all my life and dedicate his time to his teaching, you will not have a family.
Past, Present and Future Zavorotnyuk Anastasia Yurievna
In a past life you will pay little attention to love: you do not know how to love, your feelings are not deep and strong. You were selfish in everything, including love, their own interests you put above all else. And even doing good to their fellowmen, you first think about themselves, about how your deeds and actions will affect your life, about what impression you make on people. And so in this life you must learn to love unselfishly, not thinking about himself, giving the warmth of your soul to people I love. Love - that's what you live on this earth to love - that's your destiny.
You were born in 1236 in Greece, in a rich family. As a child, you may not know what the failure because they were an only child, wanted and loved. However, your parents died very early, you have given to the education of relatives of the mother, and a sweet carefree life for you has ended.
Who were you in a past life:
Woman - you were heterosexual, and many men's hearts lay at your feet, your beauty, wit, grace does not leave anyone indifferent, you have prevailed and you liked it.
Your feelings in your past life:
Did you love - beautiful people, music, dancing, luxury and fun game.
You hated - the greedy and dishonest people, filth, poverty.
You were afraid - of old age, sickness, helplessness.
The main event of your life:
Parting with a loved one in 1255, the main love victory in 1260, with a serious illness in 1284.
Your loved ones:
You have never been married, but in 1255 you had a child from a loved one. Beloved left you, you gave my daughter to grow up in a rich house.
You died in 1287 in his bed, all alone, on your death, learned only a few days.
The reason of your death:
Long before the death, you become seriously ill, and doctors could not figure out what happened to you. Smitten with the joints of the hands and feet, you're moving with great difficulty, barely able to cater for themselves. Of course, you had to give up music, dancing, and you stopped to host visitors, because your appearance has not been attractive. The disease has alienated you from the people you're locked in ourselves.
What do you have left behind:
A daughter, knows nothing about his mother, an old maid, the remnants of luxury, legends about your amazing beauty and love of countless victories.
The level of development of the soul
A young soul. The color of the soul - yellow.
Working out of karmic tasks set before you, is the ability to control his emotions, listen to the voice of reason and do as you heart prompts. Learn to rely on their intuition, the more trust your subconscious mind, learn to enjoy the experience and knowledge of their ancestors. Self-knowledge and high spiritual organization will help you solve any questions of life. You should beware of manifestations of impulsivity, lightheadedness, risk. You have to constantly work on the acquisition of domestic perfection.
Karmic program
You must clearly define its objectives. Maybe for someone strictly planned out life is boring - you are the only way to fulfill their karmic destiny. Seriousness and discipline should become an integral part of your life. You should determine for themselves the place in your life is work, family and friends. Each word should be weighed every promise - done. You should strive for spiritual and physical harmony, learn, do not waste energy, strength and talent wasted. Listen to your heart, and act not because she wants someone, as well as you like. Have the courage and willpower sometimes go against public opinion, know that going in spite of yourself, you will only acquire karmic debts. Learn to self-sacrifice and the ability to hear the wishes of others. You sometimes lack the patience, time and financial resources, knowledge, and to implement his plan. You should try to be active, despite the difficulties, to seek new knowledge, not fear change - the only way you can grow spiritually and dealt with their karmic debt. Be careful in choosing the profession, the profession may be, how to help cope with their karmic goals, and vice versa complicate the elaboration of karma. You do not fit medicine, except that the manual therapy. You should not engage in teaching, psychology and any other humanities. Your karmic debt to choose a profession is not on the principle that it is easier and where it is easier! On the contrary, your way - against the tide! Meet challenges with a smile and confidence! You should look yourself in the professions related to sports, traveling, dancing. Wonderful career you are destined to do, doing archeology, geology, paleontology, all those jobs that will help you perfectly to explore and improve the world of matter. Not to tear the subtle energies, learn them, but do not aspire to work with them professionally, it's not yours. Send their forces to strengthen the physical body, doing martial arts and any other activities that strengthen the faith in their abilities and promote physical health.
In the next life you are destined to be born a man. You three times to become a father. You will have black skin, but in life you try to change the color. Your activities will be linked to the world of art, you'll be singing and a lot of traveling to different surrounding to the planet earth. Your next incarnation will be held in 2332. You'll be a lot of experimenting with looks and his body will be a lot of plastic surgery.