Keys to happiness
In the teachings of the Tao-Shaw developed a huge number of sets of exercises, aimed at maximizing human approximation to full satisfaction of themselves and the world around them with a continuous feeling of joy of life and existence. The greatest number, perhaps the most difficult exercises is to rectify the line models of the world, the next degree of difficulty is the question of the proper functioning of the body, awareness and harmonious meeting basic human needs, and finally, creating a point of equilibrium - a stable positive emotional background - is the most easily and enjoyable to perform the task.
Keys to happiness of the majority of show Taoist techniques - is the ability to work with sexual energy and mastering the ability to control emotions. The reason for this is as follows. Most of the positive emotions and experiences related exactly to the sexual sphere of man. The most striking example is the euphoria of love and all-consuming passion of sex. But the sexual energy is evident not only in matters relating to the sexual sphere. Its surplus is not wasted in sex, goes to other levels, sublimating into inspiration artist and musician, a creative scientist, a sense of joy and bliss arising from the contemplation of the beautiful scenery or works of art, while watching an exciting movie or race fast cars on a winding mountain road.
The presence in the emotions of sexual energy can be identified by specific painting special spicy fun, exciting and tart, like a bouquet of expensive wine. This property is sexual energy many years ago noticed the Taoists. Pleasant experiences arising from its activation and movement of the body, they called the "orgasmic sensations. Once again I want to emphasize that the concept of "orgasmic feeling of" not directly related to sexual intercourse or orgasm. Orgasmic feeling - it is a special pleasant experience arising from the activation of sexual energy. Orgasmic sensation may be characterized by any degree of intensity - from an almost undetectable level of quiet joy to the most powerful ecstatic experiences, and sometimes can lead to loss of consciousness from the glow raging emotions.
Each of us has repeatedly experienced orgasmic sensations. Most strongly and clearly they are manifested in childhood, when the body is still full of energy and personality is not crushed to a heavy load of conventions and constraints. It could be delighted at the sight of a beautiful bronze beetle, or the joy of receiving a long-awaited new toy, or enjoying a game with a charming fluffy, like a clumsy bear puppy. For many people in their childhood memory is a magical period of happiness, fun and amazing discoveries, in which they are, alas, will never come back. But on second thought, a longing for childhood - it is rather a longing for a delicious orgasmic sensations to repeated experiences of happiness, pure joy and happiness to the most insignificant reasons.

Show Taoists never lost his childhood because they have learned to endure childish feeling of happiness and joy from life, from the mysterious and exciting world around in my adult life, making it a more conscious and controlled, but at the same time more intense and beautiful. I would like to eventually, and you learn this art. Managing emotions, namely governance, not the suppression or control - is the key to managing yourself and people. Programs and behavioral patterns are written into the human bio-computer is due to strong emotions and feelings that accompanied the program served as the basis of experience. Therefore, in order to properly reprogram ourselves, to learn to have feelings just like we own intelligence - to force them to serve us and not treat them as something uncontrollable and unpredictable, dependent on the whims of fate, nature, weather, officer or janitor uncle Jora.
Ability to manage feelings in conjunction with exercises aimed at increasing their intensity, strengthens the nervous system because it, like human muscles, has its limit capacity. If the untrained person can raise the bar of seventy-five pounds, but when you try to lift the weight of a hundred kilos earns a hernia and gets to the hospital, then, go in a few years of weightlifting, he can, without straining to raise the bar a hundred and fifty pounds. The same thing happens with the nervous system. Weak, untrained nervous system can fail from any overload, leading man to the breakdown of the causes, over which a person with a strong nervous system would only laugh.
In training the nervous system, as well as in private lessons, have their own rules and their secrets. So, the lesson with weights is recommended to combine with a banner, you need to evenly distribute the load on all the muscle groups to control heart rate, to avoid over-training, etc. Exercises to overload the nervous system, especially a person nervous and weak minded, even more dangerous than an athlete overtrain your body. Therefore, performing the exercises, particularly related to experience intense emotions and orgasmic sensations, observe and measure to move forward gradually, slowly but steadily. Better spent on exercises with the intense emotions two minutes a day, doing each day than fifteen minutes once a week.