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Kids gang

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Kids gang

Every expert on child and adolescent psychology certainly agree that the observations of teachers and parents, the most reckless and aggressive rowdy teenagers when dealing with them face to face behave quite still, the impression of ordinary students. Fighter, terrifying the whole school, quietly sitting in front of you and looking you straight in the eye, says that it is abhorrent to all violence. He is absolutely convinced that any conflict should be resolved through mutual discussion of controversial points, without any manhandling. Sometimes he can even express sincere regret that not all children share this view and in times of change and rowdy rowdy. He is not one of them.

 Specialist child and adolescent psychology is constantly faced with the fact that the so-called bad, aggressive children, left alone with a psychologist or other adults behave very peacefully. Their attitude toward the conflict, violence and disputes almost coincides with the point of view of the teaching staff. According to them, they are strongly opposed to violence. Unfortunately, I had too often to be seen how all these wonderful arguments evaporate, it is worth it boys and girls to plunge into the society of their svestnikov. Cute blond just to complain about the aggressive behavior of their classmates, five minutes later, capable of shaking his fist, to invade a group of girls and yelled: "Want to try my cuffs?" All of his humane principles are forgotten. He sees no contradiction in his behavior: not all the fault of his aggression, and defiance of girls who "had the audacity to stare blankly at him."

This particular change in behavior is explained by the phenomenon of gangs or groups. Once children and adolescents are among their own kind, they are immersed in a different reality. Behavioral norms and ideals that guide personally, lose their force. Their behavior is determined by the group. All of their actions, words and aspirations are modified under the influence of the dynamics and the ideas the group to which they belong. They feel the characters of another world. Well-bred boys and girls turn into invincible warriors, shy girls are young robber. Children feel part of a team. Consciousness of the individual, orienting their behavior on the mother or father, teachers or friends, is replaced by the consciousness of members of the group. He experiences a sense of community with their peers.
Engaged in a life of this community or group, the children invent a special world, unlike the real one. Its distinguishing feature is a contrast to the adult world. Children are aware that begin to turn in his own world where they are on their own. Adults lose all authority over them. Being in a group, children start to think that they are able to subjugate the world. Child gang give their members a sense of group membership and this is associated with a number of specific arrangements: children and adolescents prefer to use the words in the lexicon neupotrebimymi adults. They say "cool", "nishtyak", "super". Often preferred words with which children exercise their power instincts, as well as Expressions provocative, challenging for adults sharp critic. Use of this jargon children caused by the desire to adopt their own importance.

Sharply negative reaction among teachers and parents is in their opinion, the proof of their strength and independence. Blush, serving on the face of a teacher at a time when she hears abusive language, strengthens the sense of group identity. In contrast, understanding, or even approval, expressed instructor leads them into extreme embarrassment. Worth a teacher explain to the child that the use of foul language is nothing new for him, or try to make these expressions innocuous meaning, or to explain their significance, as children lose ground. Effect disappears if the teacher instead of a shock, maintain objectivity. Children failed to demonstrate his own virtue.

In a class of reaction from the teachers on the use of obscene and violent expressions led to their sharp escalation. It came to the disciples began to greet each other, throwing his arm in a Nazi greetings. The ideology of right-wing extremism did not interest them, but they noticed that the words of the Nazi lexicon call the teacher a violent reaction. The pain she was horrified by what they are so sought: finally they were able to feel strong and powerful team. Belonging to a team or group is often expressed in a particular manner of dress. Many schools operate a dress code. It is compulsory uniforms of Pir.

Teen subculture

In some schools, students wear sneakers only one firm, for example, «Nike», «Puma», etc. Often required not only to dress a certain company, but also the manner of wearing clothes and shoes, for example, running shoes "with untied laces and tongue hanging out." Regulated by wearing sweaters or baseball caps. In some schools and districts Zurich governing choice of baseball jackets. For example, a jacket Rader is a privilege students from the eastern shore of the lake. In one school, children began to buy his pants size for three or four numbers greater than required. Because children are picked up his clothes themselves, the parents could not stop it.

Not only is the size of the trousers was inappropriate: children wear them backwards, pants behind. In another school pupils of the first and second classes began wearing jackets bared shoulders. Mother, who accompanied their children to school, every time he stretched the jacket on his shoulders, however, were at recess, children tied up jacket down so that his shoulders were visible. This manner of wearing the jacket allows children to emphasize their difference from adults belonging to a special, one of the open world. Membership in a group or team allows children to feel self-grandeur. This sense is dictated by a sense of belonging to a group, is noteworthy and not harmless to others, it has to be considered. The consequence of such a feeling of self-grandeur is too frequent extreme value revaluation of their own activities. Two ten-year boy with feigned casualness told me that after a visit to me is going to cause a stir in the city: all of Bern will harden in amazement at the sight as they cross the old building.

Children of the gang can exist in reality, and sometimes just be a figment of the imagination teenagers in this case the children see themselves as part of a large group, whereas in reality it is not in sight. Kids identify with turtles (Turtles), «Rafael" or «He-man» (athletic superman), and later self-identify as "houmboyami (characters slums) or the Ninja, although members of these groups are just themselves. Once they find one or two like-minded people, they feel that they represent a whole direction. These children are mentally always come from their group membership and appropriately regulate their conduct. These tiny little groups are often looking for heroes in movies and video clips. They try to repeat the spectacular exits of the famous rock star and dress in the style of the star screen. This form of identification is characterized primarily for children belonging to the introvert type - it is they are most characteristic of the desire by using the imagination to join the group leaders and thus to feel strong.

In a subculture of children experience the negative sides of human nature, while also acquire competence in social matters. When children get older, these worlds are starting to disintegrate. High school students from 7 th to 9 th grade often cease to be one monolithic group, what they seemed before. Bygone community disintegrates, giving out personal preferences: united fans of skateboarding, computer fans and rockers. A similar increase in individual preferences observed in girls: social engagement alone is adjacent to the enthusiasm of other aerobic exercise, alone in his spare time visiting discos, others avidly read. In this age of common ideals gradually lose their significance. Therefore, adolescents of this age is peculiar sense of disorientation. Monogenic group loses their attraction comes the turn of hobbies, according to the individual characteristics of each. All this is fraught with the danger that a lack of psychological rod will psychologically unpredictable situation. Scepter of leadership passes into the hands of young people from disadvantaged backgrounds, boys and girls from socially disadvantaged, adolescent behavioral problems. They begin to rule the roast in a group, if not the top are winning some common priorities.
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