Kindred Spirits
Have you ever wondered why some people recognized each other in that they are " soul mates "? Because when two people have the feeling that they can communicate without additional explanation painful, then there is the effect of full understanding. And people are starting to think alike, feel the same, start a conversation with the same words ... And after a while they simply look at each other, to understand without words, everything that they wanted to say to each other.
I am by occupation must meet with a lot of different people, and already at the first meeting you can understand whether our fruitful relationship or not. In other words, whether we like-minded people. In my opinion, if people are skeptical or openly hostile to what I do, what kind of cooperation can there be? I remember well as a photographer during the filming began debating with me and to voice their criticisms of Feng Shui. What do you think we have good pictures come out? Of course not! But with "our people" everything works perfectly, as if by itself.
You never pay attention to the fact that "soul mates" are the same gestures, facial expressions, even walking? This is surprising, but it's true. For example, it is known that the couple had lived in a marriage long enough, so synchronize their thoughts, feelings, and even some of the vital processes (eg heart rate), which become as it were a single entity. Because of this similarity comes from partners is mutual understanding, and if they do not need to expend energy and words to explain their condition or to convey their thoughts to a loved one.
Our task is precisely to achieve this, or at least approximate to this state. And for this we use the feedback effects in this case - the so-called mirror effect. Try to visualize yourself in the body of his companion and try to take the same position that he did. Why do it? The fact that the muscular sensations with which we once had as a child first understand the world, it is very important for the ability to build relationships. If you can repeat the bodily sensations of another person, you will inevitably begin to perceive the world exactly as he did. And, accordingly, begin to think the same way. This will allow you to easily evaluate its position and adopt measures to establish contact with him, and to avoid many of the points of contention in the communication.
Few people are able to resist the power of the mirror effect. So, sit down in front of his opposite number and copy his manner of tilting your head, spread his hands on the table and screw up one's eyes or demur by tilting the head. With the acquisition of skills "mirroring" you can easily learn and style of communication companion, and even be able to achieve higher skill - to synchronize the pace of speech and breathing rhythm. Whatever it was taking during business negotiations the same posture, gestures otzerkalivaya his companion, as you would penetrate his thoughts, working on his idea of "strangers" and "the".

Copying the first deliberately, then automatically his manners, and some judgments, you will achieve much more than a compelling reading of the calculations, a finance department. Why? Yes, because we unconsciously sympathize with those like us. It is a law of nature. That's why parents are so fond of their children - because they are a continuation of them. And often the flaws, the son inherited from his father and become the pride of happy parents: he is my, he looks so much like me! I will not disappear in this world, because after I was on the ground will remain my copy! Of course, to become his companion for the family man in a short time you are unlikely to succeed.
Yes, this is not necessary. Your task - to remove prejudice and fear of man, show him that he should not wait for you to any danger. Funny, I observed that sometimes create the impression it is enough to order during lunch the same dish as your dinner companion. By the way, sharing eating - another strong move for someone who wants to succeed in business negotiations. Even during the Paleolithic commensal became the closest person to the ancient creature. Joint eating mammoth symbolized the unity at the level of genus, means the complete and unlimited confidence to where someone happened to share the booty. So, to share part of their lives - after extraction, in many cases means that a person will not die of starvation.
I know people who constantly and consistently refuse to treat in my house. This is not a good sign for us, who understand the nature of human relationships. Once you refuse to share a meal with me, then most likely you have bad intentions. And, as a rule, these suspicions are confirmed. Today, a joint luncheon also becomes a symbol of people's trust in each other. This and all sorts of business lunches, dinners and banquets. And if, during such an event you are using the above tips will be for potential business partner, "his man", hence the success of your business is guaranteed!