Kiss - the best proof of the sincerity of feelings
Nothing more precisely does not express the feelings of your vote, as his kiss. Kiss - is impulse in love, eager to touch the subject of passion. Lovers can kiss tirelessly: the duration of their kisses do not affect either the environment or just eaten a salad with garlic. kiss - the best proof of the sincerity of feelings , try to assess the sincerity of the kiss your partner. It is very easy. To do this, do a little "research". Find out who is usually the initiator of the kiss - you or your partner? Arises whether he has the desire to kiss for no reason? Usually lovers accompany any event in their lives with a kiss: it is a usual way of expressing gratitude (instead of the word "thanks" that we talk to associates, lovers thank each other a kiss, for example, cooking dinner).
Observe how grateful your partner and how often he does it. With a kiss of lovers wake up and go to sleep, meet and say goodbye. In most cases, they have a unreasonable desire to touch the beloved person. Can we say the same about your lover? Then pay attention to how you usually kiss. Types of kisses there are many, but in practice we only use a few of them - those who bring us the greatest pleasure. Try to determine what type of kiss like most about your partner. Remember, how often do you kiss in public places.
When "counting votes" do not be too strict, we know that men are much more restrained in expressing their feelings than women. If you're having done such observations have noticed that your partner often acts as the object of your caresses, and in rare cases, as the initiator if it is mostly trying to avoid a long kiss, if he is embarrassed to show their feelings in public places, it does not should immediately accuse him of insincerity. Maybe he was just stingy in the manifestation of their feelings or do not like or do not even know how to kiss. In your power to change his attitude to kiss.

It is known that kiss - it's not just a pleasant experience, but also useful. Several years ago, researchers discovered that a long and passionate kiss has healing powers. It improves blood flow to the brain, in addition, blood ejected special substances, the so-called "happy hormones" that can not only improve mood, but also give a person a feeling of lightness and vitality. Try to diversify your kindness and smacking of lips instead of the usual barely touch lips lover. It will be more like a breath of wind, than to kiss, but bound to cause pleasant emotions. Your standard change French kiss to a passionate kiss with a biting lips. And be sure to always worry about the freshness of the oral cavity, which is also important in creating a conducive atmosphere for your loved one. Such changes are necessary will act positively on your partner.