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Know how to properly deny young people

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Know how to properly deny young people!

Be able to beautifully and intelligently otshivat unsuitable suitors almost as important as the ability to captivate those who you liked. How to learn to politely refuse their attention, sympathy to those men who do not you like? Many girls make the same common mistakes. They can not deny the young people. Girls are either too vague and subtly hinted at a lack of interest to men - in the end the man does not understand that it otshili, or, conversely, rude young man without any reason. We examine both cases.

Suppose, for you young man approached and offered to meet you. If you did not answer and did not pay any attention to him, he most likely will continue their attempts to talk with you, not wanting to understand and believe that it is not interesting to you. Sometimes the girls, despite their reluctance to become acquainted with the young people out of politeness and fear to offend a stranger. In fact, it's not too humane. If you met a guy, gave him some hope, and then reported an incorrect phone number or even disappeared, without explanation, that thereby you will offend people far more than it would at once turned him down. Think how you would feel in a situation where you first give us hope, and then destroy the illusions of the most painful way.

So be honest with men and with itself. Sometimes discreet girls meet guys "through not want" because they think something like this: "I'd rather a guy, than none at all." In fact, it is important to remember that you deserve a man who love you will attract you with their looks, or intelligence, or sense of humor. So try not to underestimate the bar, and remember: you are worthy of love! Real love, not a surrogate.
Other extreme - no interest to respond to your proposal concise familiarity with the word "Fuck off!" Or even some sort of rudeness. Be polite. Learn the right to deny young people! " After all, if the surrounding men will notice that you are so inhumanely otshila poor, they are unlikely to gain the courage to approach you. Try to at least try to thank a man who you saw out from the crowd and did not hesitate to get acquainted. Do you know how much courage and bravery of a person needs to decide to approach an unknown girl? So Appreciate it! You can quite safely say something like: "Thank you noticed me, but I'm married / not acquainted in the street / a hurry", etc.

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