All human beings are sometimes a feeling of embarrassment, when a short-term sense of loss of confidence and self-respect. Usually, this feeling passes quickly. Confusion usually occurs when exposed for all to see some details of the private life of a man or a man caught in a time when he does something very personal, which is usually taken to flaunt. Shy people apart from this experience a sense of embarrassment at a time when they were attracted public attention, for example, the teacher praises the shy child, said he was fine fulfill the control task and did not allow any mistakes.
The whole class pays attention to that pupil he was pleased to praise, but at the same time, he does not know what to do with myself from embarrassment. In addition, confusion arises in the times when a person gets into an awkward position, shows a peculiar deficiency in something, does not justify the trust placed in him. People who showed themselves not with the best hand in public, are embarrassed at a much greater extent than those who erred in solitude. Liberated people, getting into situations where they have to suffer embarrassment, often resort to various deceptive maneuvers to regain the respect of others and himself. Shy people usually suffer from low self-esteem, experiencing confusion is much sharper and tend to avoid awkward situations, often due to limitations of communication, because of what shyness is increasing. Because of its concentration on its own shortcomings, shy people often feel a sense of embarrassment, even in solitude, just imagining a situation in which they could not look better or remembering that have already occurred.
It should say the girl, especially during adolescence, when the mind is a growing person is particularly vulnerable, it is overweight - it is very likely that the girl attend to their weight, will apply a variety of effective methods and techniques for losing weight, even if in fact it is thin. What to say about when a girl is really overweight. On the physical problems - obesity - is imposed moral - self-awareness thick, unattractive, even ugly and a desire to lose weight at any cost, which can lead to very disastrous results. Therefore, people should be wary of judging other people, especially the assessment of children by their parents because parents are the main authority for the child, and one wrong word can cause a whole bunch of different complexes in the sensitive child.
Hurtful opinions
Keep in mind that any label primarily reflects the subjective opinions and attitudes of the author. Name calling is directed, as a rule, to leave a man a deep aversion to the emotional discomfort. Thought that a particular person is at this moment under the influence of these circumstances and due to certain events, can significantly transformed in the same person under the influence of time or circumstances. It is for these reasons is unacceptable blind acceptance of someone else's views on faith. Parents should explain that to your child if they see that he was influenced by other people's opinion of himself. Also, it often happens that the labels on the person hangs over someone strange and unfriendly, but he himself.
Name calling can be very damaging to its owner. Before being categorical in their judgments, think what the consequences can lead your categorization. We should not forget that the impact of labels on the human minds is very large. It is necessary to hear that you have enough trim figure or excessively vicious nature and believe in it - you immediately begin to observe how bad things are sitting on you due to the completeness or any big problems in communication there you have with others. A man standing on a stick any label or permit to do so, as immediately changed attitude toward him by the people around him and himself. It is very difficult later to reverse the situation and prove to everybody that in fact you are not the same as assumed. Everything in your behavior will serve as the eyes of others confirm that same label, and the facts that reject its truth - just brush aside and ignore the rest.
Many people are simply not willing to spend time and effort into it to see what is out of the man himself, it is much easier to accept on faith the assertion that he is something (unsociable, shy, uninteresting) - and this is sufficient for constructing the future tactic behavior toward him, regardless of whether that person thinks and feels in fact. On this occasion, American psychologists conducted experiments in which several people were held for treatment at a psychiatric hospital. The purpose of their study was to determine when the action ends with the term "mentally deranged person."
It turned out that never before. "Former crazies" do not exist, if man once got a reason to call him thus, the label affixed to it forever. Society's attitude towards such people very wary - these people do not want to take a job, they have problems in their personal and family life. Even proof that the person is cured, not a cause for changing the attitudes of others towards him. It often happens that there is a label without particular reason, as a consequence of incorrect conclusions and assumptions. A person can make an incorrect conclusion of any phenomenon, relying on this conclusion as a fundamental and build their behavior, in agreement with this conclusion and thus not doiskivayas to this cause.
Impressionable and shy people tend to blame themselves all of the pain that occurred with them, and look for the cause in itself, while nezastenchivye blame the failures of the situation, the environment - everything but not myself. Very few are able to impartially analyze the situation and then make your decision. It is obvious that shyness signals uncertainty man in himself.