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Ladder a cure for love

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Ladder  a cure for love

"This could only happen to me, because I'm so ..." - and then followed by a collection of hard-hitting adjectives that you are an enthusiastic experienced masochist would ask in his address. And there too you jump to conclusions? Sometimes, the gap seems to you so shameful thing that you and say something about this embarrassing. "With this Marinko would not happen - do you think - yes and Katka too. They're over there are beautiful / smart / slim / success / sexy (underline)! These do not throw, and me ... "And you are immersed in active soul-searching, finding himself more and more flaws that could serve as compelling reasons for the gap.

Toward the close of such self-flagellation you are already heavily wonder how your former general could you tolerate such a long time. And then you come to absolutely pessimistic conclusion: Of course, you now everyone will be throwing, you know you're fat / old / stupid, etc. But if you think about it, unless you're the one who violently rejected the men? Read a book, watch a movie. The motif of separation is almost as common as the motive of love itself. Throwing and beautiful, and not, and cleaners, and supermodels. Throwing and your favorite heroine Scarlett O'Hara, and the legendary Kerry Bradshaw. Ask around your friends, for sure, and they passed through such a test. Maybe they can give you good advice, it is easier to survive the separation from loved ones.
How often after the break the girls all spend less time behind a desk in the office, and increasingly in the dining room or on the stairs, where the bosses are allowed to smoke and cry in his waistcoat pals from the Advertising Department. But instead of being stuck on the ladder, you could cheerfully climbing the career ladder ... ironic, but true! Unrequited love as doomed, and was the cause of prosperity is not a brilliant career. Julia Roberts, rastorgnuvshaya fifteen engagements, could become the highest paid actress in Hollywood, the award "Oscar". Internationally recognized sex symbol Marilyn Monroe decided to start careers after the sad end of her first marriage. Princess Diana was many times more popular at home after being found out all the sad details of her marriage to Prince Charles. career - a cure for love!

Perhaps workaholism - this is not the most pleasant diagnosis, but certainly the most profitable. Since you decided what you fill the spiritual emptiness and silence does not leave you sad, why is not your favorite job? At least here there are no side effects such as dialed kilograms or damaged health. More Sigmund Freud wrote of sublimation. Times have reserves of energy, why not send them to a peaceful career track? However, not all of it turns out. Part of the people after breaking up, in contrast, feel a strong emotional weakness and fatigue. All the same negative emotions, tears, fears and feelings takes a lot of energy. And if you feel like a flat battery, do not force yourself.

Rest. But the rest of this case must be very literate. A good way: there is no late seating, and upgrades at lunchtime! Try early to bed and early to rise. Make your diet balanced. You now need to strengthen the body and to monitor the immune response for spiritual experiences often affect the health status and, as you yourself know, is not the best way. In short, listen to their feelings. If you are inconvenienced by idleness, take a career. Let the big guns: carry out the work for the future, actively take the initiative, show their best side. But if you feel devastated and exhausted, be sure to recover strength, before you rush to recess.
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