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Laughter a precursor of love

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Laughter - a precursor of love

If two of the people have fun together, then surely they will build a relationship of an order of magnitude easier. After all, any deal is better to argue with a cheerful smile on his face! Laughter - a forerunner of love. But laughter laughter strife. It is one thing - a good-natured banter, witty comments about the new acquaintance, and quite another - stinging words and jokes. Humor really facilitates understanding. But this should not be forgotten that the concept of humor are different. Someone you can laugh with flat jokes in the style of "American Pie", who then takes a highly intelligent English humor. Before you start actively making jokes, try to understand what humor perceives your new friend?

One can realize it by his own jokes. I agree, not every guy is different wit. If you have not realized what kind of person in front of you, be careful, choose expressions. The most important thing when meeting - to avoid certain kinds of risky humor, which can not be understood or misinterpreted.

1. Do not go! Jokes in the style of "South Park" or "Beavis and Batheda" not everyone likes. In addition, a girl they do not decorate. Some mistakenly believe that such humor can provide you as hot and otvyaznyh tiptoe. In fact, you're more likely to underestimate their price, if thou frivolous humor and a lot of platitudes. You will find either stupid or preoccupied. And it will agree, will not add you desire.

2. Do not get smart! Not all people understand the abstruse jokes or subtle English humor. If you tell an anecdote, and people would not understand, he would feel very uncomfortable. He will have to either a forced laugh, or to admit that he did not understand jokes salt (which is tantamount to their own stupidity), or stupidly silent (in which case you will be too uncomfortable). So do not put anyone in a stupid position. Keep it simple, and the men will be pulled!
3. Do not make fun of a new acquaintance. This is an old friend you can pin up and he will not mind. But to start relations with the derision of any deficiencies men - is inappropriate and simply insulting. Be careful also with self-irony. Of course, the person who can laugh at themselves, quite attractive, but for a stranger your samoironichnye passages can sound like self-deprecation. In this case, it decides that you're just wildly insecure people.

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