Laurel from the evil eye, damage
The leaves of laurel, worn on itself, prevent the hellish visions. Dried leaves of laurel fumigate spoiled patients.
• Juice from the leaves is useful for indigestion, deafness and pain in the ears, but also destroys stains on his face.
• In the form of water and oil infusions and decoctions of the leaves is used for arthritis, myositis, neuralgia, gout, rheumatism.
• If diarrhea drink a decoction of the leaves. In the same broth bathe children with scrofula.
• Laurel helps with paralysis and distortion in a person treats vitiligo.
• Broth laurel drink for pain and kidney stones, leaves treated with teak face.
• bay oil is used for rheumatism, spasms, paralysis. 30g shredded leaves pour a glass of fresh vegetable oil. 10days insist in a warm dark place, shaking occasionally. Filter.
• bay oil cure a headache, and cold pain in the ear.
• Useful for hearing and helps with tinnitus in inflammation.
• Decoction of leaves helps with any pain in the joints.
• Broth bay leaf with honey drink from ulcers of the lungs.