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Leaders are born or made

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Leaders are born or made?

The question is quite legitimate. We are unlikely to lead an example of a leader from birth. Although a newborn baby from the first days of life demands the other times more attention than others. Is remarkable and this fact when in a maternity home a baby starts crying, then everyone else pick up the "instigator", but not every kid is able to win over the entire community "babies." Study of problems of leadership have been busy the minds of scientists for centuries. Unravel the secrets of leadership tried to Aristotle, Confucius, Plato, Montesquieu, Machiavelli and many others whose work brings us closer to understanding the mechanisms of emotional impact. However, I have not met a serious and indisputable research in this area. And a clear scientific answer the main question, " leaders are born or made? "we do not find. Apparently, after all, should turn to their own experience and observation that would generate at least a proper attitude toward this issue.

Think about your childhood, my friends in the courtyard, a group of kindergarten at the school in all of these so-called "small group" of non-obvious reasons, was the informal leader, who can easily accept such a community. Relationships in groups of kindergarten and elementary grades, are complex and largely of a temporary poorly motivated. Guys are actively drawn to more creative gaming peers. Doshkolyata treat them with sympathy, although there are in their environment and more worthy of the best personal qualities than ordinary gambling. Guys are actively drawn to more creative in the games. Doshkolyata treat them with sympathy, although there are in their environment and more worthy of the best personal qualities than ordinary gambling.

A similar choice of a leader is, for example, mensal company where a lot of little known people. This company is generous to "advance" preferences, gay people and lights company, ie fulfills the need for fun. But such leadership is short and as easy to end as it began. Recognized as leaders in the groups of children are often more influential than teachers and educators. The authority of the leader and his power of influence is often greater than the influence of managers and staff in the workforce adults. Toddlers often questioned the correctness of their actions and avoid taking any sort was the responsibility. Selecting the "leader" of children every uncertainty disappears, now "He" is responsible for making decisions. Children willingly and instinctively put themselves under the authority of the "leader", thereby avoiding the critical decisions.
The child, however as an adult, much more profitable and easier to "delegate" responsibility than ever to ask whether he is well received, and in general - whether it is possible to do so? The difference between a child and an adult at a time only motivation. Children's "bellwether" nature of the active effective one. Leader offers some rules of the game and the relationship to a slave named group, the guys follow his will, thereby confirming its right to leadership. Typically, these "leaders" - is effective, active children. But they do not yet have specific communication skills, or other outstanding qualities. Insight creates doubt and consequently leads to passivity. Leadership is acquired in childhood, rarely continues to accompany the child into adulthood.

Further experience may identify any non compliance as such are not a formal leader! "Leader", carried away by his obedience to the "team" is beginning to impose their will. Or some things, which became known my mother upset her greatly, and now there's the culprit! Factors such as would "dissolve" the authority of leadership formed a natural "leader." However, it is worth noting, none of the group consciously not put forward his candidacy and did not elect the leader. In practical psychology is to explain how informal leadership is formed, we could go into such a study, but it is important to us both. To understand the emotional leadership we need to define in terms. Concepts such as "leader", "Winner", "leader", "factory", Head "and" leader "is different. Given the behavior and properties of nature, children can be divided into the following groups, it is equally true for the group of adults.

1.Lidery and organizers, subject to firm commitment.

2.Aktivisty, based on personal initiative with optional firmness of character.

3.Ispolniteli able to follow the task and will of another.

4.Odinochki, carried away his own life, while attractive because of their passion for flashy.

5.Buntari able to protest and oppose the will of the teacher, leader, another leader, and the rules.

6.Otverzhennye, harried members of the team. They can cause a general sympathy and attention, which helps release them as leaders, they gratefully accept the sympathy and open up to meet him.

The presence of various "small groups" within the team due to selective variety of communication, subjective preferences, sex differences, ethnic, religious and age characteristics. Some children are more confident they feel close to the strong and resolute peers. Others prefer to make friends with timid, not confident, weak, finding satisfaction in patronage and explicit superiority.

Leader - is primarily a personality that can influence the external situation and attractive to others and ready to manage the activities of others and lead them. Noticed differences in the interactions of children can distinguish a certain typology of leaders such as:



3.Emotsionalny leader.

4.Lider plant, Zateynik.

5.Lider judge (justice).

Fair to say that no children from birth are not capable of leadership, but we should not deny the existence of certain dispositions, such as temperament, upbringing. In different periods of life, every child, even occasionally and not enduring, but still is in a leadership role. In other words, in the most diverse, real-life situations of collective life, the particular team members, surpassing the other in certain qualities. And because these qualities are demanded in this situation, their owner becomes the leader. The emergence of a leader - a combination of factors such as the time corresponding to the circumstances requiring the individual manifestation of the necessary qualities for just this situation.
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