Learn how to give man
Any woman who is able to competently conduct themselves in a relationship with a man and concede the right moment, will get from him enough respect. After all, to get the desired result can be men with kindness and care. Try to tune in to "the wave" of your relationship. If you learn how to capture that moment in your conversation when he smoothly flows into the showdown, it will be a big plus for you. So, you have learned to control his emotions and at the critical moment will be able to send her husband's behavior in the right direction. If you feel that the atmosphere is tense and peacefully settle the conflict will not succeed, we must be able to keep silent, studying inferior to men.
It does not matter, a conflict is your fault or not, the most important thing at the moment - wait till the critical moment of a quarrel, when you can slander each other such things that will last a long time to spare. Yielding to the dispute, you only win because the man thinks he is right and everything will be exactly as he said. But you know something like that would actually be. No need to force people to accept your point of view, we must try to make sure that he took it. Of course, the first is not unusual to get into an argument, do not argue with the foam at the mouth, that her husband does not understand simple things. But after a while you will be able to achieve all these simple steps: tenderness, affection, feminine wisdom. In order to permanently save your relationship, you need to become a home psychologist. Must be able to somewhere silent, or in some situations to yield.
But even here a sense of proportion should be observed: to give to the dispute should not always - there are situations when it is necessary to insist on his own. When you're all trying to meet his wife and bump into disdainful attitude towards your opinion, you're going too far overdone, and your spouse, feeling that everything is permitted, and all is forgiven, no longer be with you. This should not be allowed. If you decide to insist on his own, we must act. We all blacksmiths of his happiness. You can not put up with unfair treatment her husband to you. If you came to the conclusion that your spouse has ceased to respect you, make sure that he started to respect you again, but first you start to respect themselves.
Want to live in harmony - agree
Relations in the pair often deteriorate due to the fact that many people do not want to compromise. And love can be saved only if to avoid conflict and discord, compromise with a loved one. Conflicts and the more fights will never be the best choice for joint pastime, and quite naturally, that nothing but negative emotions, they do not bring into your life. It is better to avoid "sharp corners". Of course, we all realize that not everything in a relationship depends only on women. The natural desire to keep their relationship as long as possible should be present also on the part of men.
Of course, you should try to make the quarrel did not lead to rupture. Try to constant conflicts and resentments are not crushed by a delicate sense of light that arose between you. Try not to repeat their mistakes, because everything that happens between you, the more dependent on such behavior, which will show how you really feel about each other. If you know your weaknesses and your partner, you will be able not only to avoid the appearance of any conflict between you, but also in many ways to make life easier for himself and his partner. Achieve the desired tenderness is much easier than threats. Of course, we can all put up with and tolerate, but as you know, patience, sooner or later comes to an end, and your novel will be doomed. But the best option is to search for common ground with your man and solve all the problems together.
Be wise - go on an assignment
He is guilty - and you know very well about it. But the favorite is silent and does not recognize it. What should I do? For concessions! So you not only save the relationship, but show how you are a wise woman and how he carried with you. Do not forget that the maintenance of relations requires a certain proportion of compromise. It is important to determine in advance that you will agree, but they do not agree to do or change in yourself. Compromise options are endless, but each pair they own. But do not overdo it: a compromise must be mutual.
If the relationship is constantly forcing you to make concessions, it says that your partner does not want to live with you for who you are, therefore, prefers to dictate the rules of the game, and you manipulate it. And if you feel that you - this is not about you, but totally alien to our human nature, which of you are trying to "dazzle". In this case, wake up your pride and honestly answer the important question: how much you are willing to continue such a relationship where you constantly have to hide my "I"?
Your relationship with your partner can develop the following scenario: after reading your partner once you started to impose their rules. If he has to have too much pressure and you can not cope with all the requirements expected of you, you'd better just stand up for themselves. If your partner gives advice such as insistent: "Maybe that's enough talk for hours on the phone?" Or "Do not eat many sweets, and then raspolneesh", do not flatter him the illusion that you immediately begin to mend.
Try to find a compromise. For example, offer a bet: you stop for a long time chatting with a friend, and he ceases to throw their stuff anywhere. Try to present his idea as their own, so you will not feel so badly that you are putting pressure. In any case, we first think about the comments the partner: perhaps they are not quite meaningless, and you really are behind the curve, going on about all his habits? Sometimes it is very important to pay attention to the criticism of men to understand what you want. In fact, when the man comment, he rarely hopes that they will be interpreted correctly.