Learn the art of love
People who have lived together for many years and have kept good relations will always serve as good examples for young couples. To love eventually fails, you need a lot to learn and work on yourself. And then, perhaps in the future with you too will take an example. There is an error, they say, love does not need to learn when compared infatuation and love. And who, if not couple with extensive experience in family life, know how to keep love for many years. In order to avoid the collapse of love, and to grasp the essence of this great feeling, learn the art of love .
Tips spouses experienced about mastering the art of love may seem too general, and maybe even corny, but I think you should not rush to reject them. Do not extend the hasty conclusion that they do not understand. Many spouses claim that love must be present above all discipline. Occurs once a huge number of questions: "How do you explain this?", "Planning for kisses?", "Mode caresses?", "Schedule of expression of their affection?" Of course, it is not. Not so primitive. Discipline, apparently - is to control and limit gusts that can destroy love, such as: jealousy, rudeness, restraint, excessive demands. Still possible to enumerate indefinitely. But the essence is absolutely not to remember all the times when you should be in the name of love stop yourself and try to show only the external peace and achieve inner peace and balance. Sure, your intuition tells you what you can do's and don'ts.

Often uncontrollable ego provokes us to make sure that your intervention in the thought and life of the beloved will give you at least some advantage in this "eternal battle of the two blood egoism." This lack of restraint is especially peculiar to us women. We understand that all sorts of scandals and attacks destroy the love and the only pain due to pathological men inattention can cause us to forget about everything. Sometimes it is recognized that you are wrong and to blame for the situation. Need to come up and hug your man, kiss him, and the conflict will be settled. So it will be expressed in your discipline in love.
The next step in the development of art of love is the focus. The best example of concentration may be called responsive mothers towards their child. Similarly, and you should feel his favorite, his weariness, irritation, joy, all the subtle changes his mood. If you feel that your man became irritable - Understand the causes of what is happening. The third prerequisite for comprehension of art of love is patience.
Do not forget about patience
In passionate love, we quickly grow tired of burning feeling, but they seemed to perceive the reduction of disaster. Try to learn to be patient, wait, attack, when withdrawn into his beloved once again filled with tenderness. Need to teach patience, and he, too, because sooner or later you will need time to recover. Sincere interest also plays a huge role in the mastery of love. And it is certainly true, as you will find happiness in their love only when you try to make it with no less interest and desire than do, for example, a career.
To gain full existence only a woman can, in alliance with the beloved. And as with great interest and affection you will comprehend the mysteries of men's thoughts and desires, the happier and safer you feel. Love is necessary to develop humility, wisdom and objectivity. "All life should be devoted to this purpose. Humility and impartiality are inseparable, like love. I can not be truly objective with his family, if I can not be fair to others, and vice versa. If I want to learn the art of love, I must strive for objectivity in any situation and be sensitive to situations where I'm wrong.
I should try to see the difference between the established me as a person and a real person, which exists regardless of my interests, needs and fears. Achieving objectivity and reason - that's half way to achieving the love of art "- so wrote a brilliant psychologist Erich Fromm. The ability to love depends on the ability to abstract from a concentration of selfish on themselves, beloved. And in the psychology of this phenomenon is called narcissism. But only now realize it must be much broader. We women do not just admire him all the time, so beautiful, and the clock is unable to break away from the mirror. What is most interesting, we do not want to admit the others of their right to differ from our style of behavior and existence.
The practice of love
The practice of love always takes practice faith. But without it simply impossible any serious relationship. Trust other means to identify with him constancy and reliability of love. It is human nature to change their opinions, but motivation must always be the same. Our feelings often change, but we always remain themselves. And the man believes his woman only to the extent that he believes himself. This belief feeds the ability to take risks, courage, able to take even frustration and anguish. And if your favorite man started on trifles bring you their claims, this means that his faith in your love and you become very depleted. Lift in this case, rather screener questioned, for there is nothing in the world worse and worse, than to live, having lost faith.
And the last. Love can not live forever, if you can not develop a such an important quality, as the activity. But it does not mean you have to fuss about the man she loved. It is about a kind of internal mobility, of maintaining a constant, a very active interest in their loved one. Do not pay attention and do not dwell on all the little things that happened in the daily bustle, especially if they can be resolved without your help. And your activity should be manifested in an active interest in the world to people. And best of what you select from the things around you, you just need to bring your love. Be boring - it's an essential condition to love art. Love should be a part of your character. And then she will accompany you, not only in relationships with men, but also in communicating with relatives and friends, with business partners. Only love can help you express your nature and character of absolutely all aspects of life!