Learn to control themselves
You are well! You smile, blending into the surrounding world, merging with nature, an unusual peace embraces you, the body pours a wave of relaxation and bliss. Time stopped. State of dispersion and detachment, physical sensations are retreating - a balance and peace. Everyone ever experienced these sensations - a particle of the world or become a great world itself, with extraordinary keenness feeling subtle movements of internal processes. At such moments we are back in optimal condition, restore mental equilibrium, relax, we can provide for themselves beneficial effects.
But ... man - a strange creature. He trains his muscles or his mind, somehow forgetting about the neuro-psychic activity and its tremendous impact on all aspects of our lives, health and wellness.
Getting into a situation of emotional stress, we can react to them differently: to leave "a" or discharged through the turbulent external reaction - it does not change the merits - physiological processes out of the optimal mode of operation, and these processes are regulated and the state of the organism, and state of the individual.
Over a lifetime, we are entering into a lot of contacts, get in different situations and, as the D. Carnegie, one must remember that "we are dealing with irrational creatures, creatures with emotional, overgrown prickly prejudice and driven by pride and vanity." Surrounding reality is not very much helps to ensure that pander to our weaknesses, an inability to communicate, our ability to survive on the most trivial reasons. We are constantly subjected to "psychological attack", we find ourselves in stressful situations, and, unable to regain their composure, more and more deviate from the point of optimum condition. There is a feeling of anxiety, discomfort. Assessment of the situation under the influence of neuro-emotional arousal becomes inadequate.
Fear, anger and other negative emotions cause the person severe muscle tension ("face cramp," "a nervous breath," "hands clenched into fists," etc.). People at such moments is a kind of self-excited system in which the muscle tension, heart palpitations, rapid breathing "are additional signals to the brain and supporting the emotional arousal. On the other hand, the relaxed state, even breathing are signs of peace, a positive emotional state of equilibrium. "Calm down, get yourself together!" - We hear advice from a friend or say it to myself, fully aware that it is ineffective remedy. Maybe try a different way? Relax the muscles of the body, cut off the flow of excitatory signals in the central nervous system. Smile - and send from the facial muscles to the brain a powerful impetus associated with pleasant emotional state. The connection between the psyche and muscle tone allows, by acting in words or pictures on the involuntary functions, to cause the muscles and organs of state that correspond to emotional rest, recreation, stabilization of all body systems. In a state of deep muscle relaxation (relaxation), a person can relax deeply and quickly, to reduce the neuro-emotional stress, use the reserves of the organism, increase its physiological functions, specifically to work on his personality. Muscle relaxation is the basis of anger management.